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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. It pisses me off when I check and a piece of clothing still ends up being left out.
  2. Still torturing myself even though this is more about I need a book deal to ever get a ribeye like that or wagyu steak. *Sigh*
  3. Why am I tormenting myself by watching these "Worth it" videos when I have very little access to this food, and I mean the lower priced meals too.
  4. An artist whose music I would like if she ever shut the fuck up about other black women.
  5. I'm outside the delivery area of everything, so I don't get to enjoy nice things like this.
  6. I'm not watching that because it looks annoying, but after typing Starfire in twitter, "Starfire wig" popped up as the first search suggestion . What is with Inhumans and Titans not knowing where to find decent red wigs? Even if your budget is low, they can't find a good wig at a beauty supply store? Ugh, and I hate the trailer too because all it's showcasing is that this isn't Teen Titans. THERE'S BLOOD AND CURSING, OHMYGOSH! ROBIN KILLS PEOPLE, GASP! The dramatic close-ups of blood and the sound effects were so tryhard. If that's all you can do to point out that the cartoons and this show have a different tone from each other, you're way too incompetent to pull this off.
  7. Traveling, dealing with health issues when they come up, ready-made food and takeout during months I can't cook, making stuff from my books(jewelry, art, clothes), and money to cover downtime when I'm slow with editing.
  8. You're so creepy.
  9. 5 million would make me confident that I won't have to ever work an office job again and keep writing.
  10. Your hair looks purty.
  11. I like too many posts by Minovsky and have to restrain myself from liking more so I don't look like a stalker.
  12. Secret of NIHM freaked me out as a kid thanks to Don Bluth acting like it was his life mission to traumatize children.
  13. Happy Birthday!
  14. She's also taller than me.
  15. Yes to the proportions since I'm 5'3'' with 10 1/2 wide feet, but no to that embarrassing weak mentality about it.
  16. I loved the ending of the song because that is what happens to me whenever I buy shoes. My feet are too big to have nice things! I don't curse out the workers though. My parents' genetics are to blame.
  17. 30ish might have referred to "around thirty minutes".
  18. @cyberbully, ok I get it, he's not a physical threat to anyone, but it's still the principle of the matter when it comes to calling out the incel shit he says.
  19. Seconding Mixed Chicks and I think there's a line called Miss Jessie's.
  20. Excuse you, but Serena Williams is the obvious choice just because she's stopped herself from whooping the asses of people who are constantly racist and sexist to her face. If I were in her shoes, I'd be in prison.
  21. Our Firehouses are decent about not skimping on meat, but we've gotten better sandwich places recently and I haven't been there for a while.
  22. I can't drive and know jack shit about cars, but I can tell that how that dude did those curves at those speeds was unfuckingreal.
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