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ive been feeling even shitter than usual, what should i eat tommorow?

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start out the day with a breakfast full of whole grains and mixed fruits.. when you can't go any longer

mix all up with a dish consisting of some pasta or rice, mixed vegatables and a finely chopped slice

of a meat.. chicken is always dubbed the healthiest, but meh..whatever floats your boat.  Now for a

third meal sphaghetti or whatever kinda high carb pasta, but EASY on that meat...


the fuck am I going with this that sounds delicious though.  I've taken nutrition classes and even

went toe to toe with an actual nutritionist and she couldn;t bash my logic.. I think squash...

greens like broccoli, spinnach, kale. Those aree good for puttin' you back in action, but the

best dishes use some sort of sweet and sour/ vinnegrete to coat it with ...  it's all in the mix

It can be hard to make a good one for those on a really low calorie intake.

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