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Do you sleep?


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8 hours ago, [classic swim] said:

I drink and pass out for a couple or few hours, then I’ll stay up all night and sleep enough to where I can still go out into the sun later and repeat the cycle.

If it’s a detox day then I’ll still sleep like shit. Your timeclock decides everything for you so I’ve learned to just deal with it.

Ah yes. The double edged alcohol sword. I remember it well.

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Not as well as I should.

Its getting warmer out so its harder to stay asleep and we didn't really have a decent winter where I would have had all the sleeps to make up for summer problems. 

So I either pass out for a few hours out of general exhaustion at some point or twitch awake on the hour every hour until the alarm goes off at 5a. 

Plus wedge pillow is bullshit for side-sleepers. 

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