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56 minutes ago, Athena92 said:

whoa finally someone new to this forum that I actually remember. Welcome welcome!

We have a Discord as well if u weren't aware. Pretty much daily voice/video chats happen there plus we do games sometimes. We even have a Minecraft server if that's ur thing.

aaaaaaaahhh hi!!!!!!!! i'll have to check it out!

1 minute ago, argylepancakez said:

finally got those antibiotics huh

it's turned to the HIV from kidneyeater_101

Just now, Naraku4656 said:

does anyone know if that man is even still alive?

I'm sure he is, though I haven't seen him in 15 years...


I remember only two things about him: his name is Chip, and he never wore pants. (shorts only)

1 minute ago, SwimOdin said:


Oh boy.


And I think verpetas made that website.

I also meant besides the obvious hockey chicken stuff or his owl icon that like everyone else also remembers. I remember verpetas. wonder what happened to them

4 hours ago, argylepancakez said:

*gene rayburn voice* HOW INTERESTING IS IT

At least as interesting as watching bologna fry and guessing if it will curl at the edges or grow a bubble in the middle....


Just now, Athena92 said:

staaahp ur making me feel old

spoilering so Odin doesn't have a heart attack


you know the song 1979 by the Smashing Pumpkins right? It came out in 1995. It would be like if someone today sang a song titled 2004.

we're also closer to January 1st, 2050 than we are to January 1st, 1990.



I'm MrD1718 (obviously) aka SwimModRaijin 

Good thing I got shitty sleep and saw Cracky's text.  I work rotating 12 hour shifts and spend most of my time on Twitch (like Odin said) and I'm also on Twitter.  Might pop in here every now and then. 😊

2 minutes ago, MrD1718 said:

I'm MrD1718 (obviously) aka SwimModRaijin 

Good thing I got shitty sleep and saw Cracky's text.  I work rotating 12 hour shifts and spend most of my time on Twitch (like Odin said) and I'm also on Twitter.  Might pop in here every now and then. 😊

aahhhhhh hello!!!

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