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2 minutes ago, Distortedreasoning said:

i miss 1 generation and feel so lost. 

dude tell me about it...I’ve been searching for OG Pokemon.....but I do recommend corviknight....which I think....is new?


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Posted (edited)

There is Dynamax and Gigantamax pokemon....Any mon can Dynamax but only special ones can Gigantamax.....They get a special move if they Gmax...Edit, oh...and they look different, as you can see.

Charizard can shoot a flame that causes Gmax wildfire, which is op in that it does damage on impact and also burns for like 20% HP for a few turns on all your ally pokemon.....Shit is OP

Edited by cyberbully
21 minutes ago, Still Me said:

dude tell me about it...I’ve been searching for OG Pokemon.....but I do recommend corviknight....which I think....is new?


looks pretty sweet. i seen this one before from previews but looks beastly right here.

1 minute ago, Distortedreasoning said:

looks pretty sweet. i seen this one before from previews but looks beastly right here.

Corviknight Is ok, and its Gmax looks cool, but if you're going to have a bird, there are many better options....The steel typing makes it kinda slow and that's one of the flying types bread and butter...Not all of them, but a lot.  


7 minutes ago, cyberbully said:

Corviknight Is ok, and its Gmax looks cool, but if you're going to have a bird, there are many better options....The steel typing makes it kinda slow and that's one of the flying types bread and butter...Not all of them, but a lot.  


i been liking the last few gens bird pokemons but mainly on style. havent played competitive in a long while. last gen i had a toucannon in my party and that thing was able to beat a lot of things. that was slow too so probably bad in battle where you want speed out of your birds. 

9 minutes ago, Distortedreasoning said:

i been liking the last few gens bird pokemons but mainly on style. havent played competitive in a long while. last gen i had a toucannon in my party and that thing was able to beat a lot of things. that was slow too so probably bad in battle where you want speed out of your birds. 

I've never played with Toucannon, but I've fought a few that were plrblematic....I remember them having a move that like heats up their beak or some shit, and if they get the next attack off, and it's a flying move, it was a oneshot for most thing that aren't blatant tanks.  

I play doubles mostly, so birds are usually a good support for getting tailwind off, but this time around, I have an OP Braviary that when d or g maxed can have....Fuck, I think it's called max airstream....Which it has STAB damage and Sharp beak as it's item so a powered up Braviary can one shot most shit with it's first attack and if it hits, it gives a speed boost to both of your pokemon....Not as much as tailwind, but if you already started with another fasr mon, with protect, you can pretty much guarantee you'll go first....And since it stacks, you can have a tank on the field that after 3 turnds can keep up with some of the faster guys....Especially if they get a speed boost in some funky weather condition.

You didn't ask for any of this, but I started typing and wanted to finish it.


4 minutes ago, Distinct Lunatic said:

It's Nintendo/Gamefreaks next gimmick that will go the way of Mega evolutions and Z-moves, since that's the only thing to come from the pkmn games now is gimmicks, not improvements.

My thing is that there are just so many fucking Pokémon that they’ve run out of ideas....they have one that is a literal key ring

5 minutes ago, Distinct Lunatic said:

It's Nintendo/Gamefreaks next gimmick that will go the way of Mega evolutions and Z-moves, since that's the only thing to come from the pkmn games now is gimmicks, not improvements.

How would you improve it?.....Like I want real suggestions.

I just think it is what it is and people enjoy it....Switching the gimmicks keep it fresh and every gen brings new specials, abilities and items.....People complain about g/d max but it's nothing different....It's literally Megastones and Z moves combined....People just like to bitch about something.  Not you in particular.

9 minutes ago, Still Me said:

My thing is that there are just so many fucking Pokémon that they’ve run out of ideas....they have one that is a literal key ring

One of those keys better be for a volkswagon scirocco and another for a powder blue Nissan Stanza. Otherwise it has offended the nerd gods. 

25 minutes ago, Still Me said:

My thing is that there are just so many fucking Pokémon that they’ve run out of ideas....they have one that is a literal key ring

Gen 1 had a pokemon that was just a pokeball that evolved into an upside down pokeball.

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4 minutes ago, stilgar said:

Gen 1 had a pokemon that was just a pokeball that evolved into an upside down pokeball.

They cant all be great !

48 minutes ago, cyberbully said:

How would you improve it?.....Like I want real suggestions.

I just think it is what it is and people enjoy it....Switching the gimmicks keep it fresh and every gen brings new specials, abilities and items.....People complain about g/d max but it's nothing different....It's literally Megastones and Z moves combined....People just like to bitch about something.  Not you in particular.

It took me a good while to put this out, I had things written out twice but I deleted them since they failed to convey how I feel about this.

As a gamer I've come to greatly prefer games that are character driven and with a narrative, where it really feels like you're playing an active role in the world inside of the game. I hate games that do the mute "you are the character" protagonist. I know that's very unlikely to ever happen again with Pokemon (considering they long abandoned making games outside the main ones after going 3d with XY and onward), with the way the main pkmn games are marketed for a global appeal, but I'm fkin tired of it really. In pokemon games it legit feels like you're just a statue with legs, the entirety of the plot just so happens to occur along the linear path the game sets you on. I'd personally love to experience Pokemon but in the form of a proper rpg with character dialogue (preferably voiced, something Nintendo did with Fire Emblem Three Houses, and parts of Zelda BOTW). Your character having an actual input on what happens in the story or the narrative, more so than a dialogue bubble that sometimes pops up, but still leads to the same text output.

Going onto FE3H a bit, a lot of folks, myself included, compare Fire Emblem Three Houses to the Persona games, which I consider a fucking insult to the Persona games. I love FE3H but hate it at the same time, I really love the characters and the branching story, but hate how lazy its game design feels. I think its great that every single script is voiced, even those by random NPCs, something most games, even Persona 5 wouldn't do, but like 70-90% of 3H feels like you're playing the same content despite 3 and a half routes.

I'm pointing to FE3H as an example of Nintendo willing to do something different with a longrunning IP of theirs, though I think they failed as far as the protagonist goes with Byleth, who feels even less than a plank with legs, considering unlike Joker who speaks a lot more (mostly game menus or screens, and sometimes during drawn cutscenes) but him and P5 feels a lot more alive because they have a large amount of animations, in 3H's they use so few animations, even less for Byleth who only nods and raises his hand.

I'd like to see a pkmn game that improves upon what Nintendo did with 3H, having a character driven narrative, making it feel like you're playing a role in that world. Problem is it's never gonna happen since Nintendo won't put in that much effort for something that will mostly end up in the hands of kids who have so little patience with games where if something challenges them too much they'll just drop and play some shitty mobile game or Fortnite. As a game like that would take significantly longer to develop compared to the copy/paste formula of current pkmn games. And as far as narratives go, they probably wouldn't want to invest too much into that and take away from people having to watch the pkmn anime for a proper story and narrative.


One thing I want to add after reading what I posted,

it looks like one might say a character that speaks and voiced dialogue is what I'm looking for, those are only part of what I'd want in a pkmn game. The important part is being more character driven, where it really feels like you have an impact on the story, things not just happening around you. Branching stories like in 3H would be cool, but I know it'd never happen because of the competitive nature of the pokemon games, some folks using the game to cultivate a team to use against others in competitive aspects, that stuff just getting in the way of that. Maybe there could be something Nintendo could do to make that style of play still easily available, but unlikely since the Let's Go games have clearly shown that you'll be given whatever they feel like with no way to change it up (referring to how a lot of folks would talk about if they had the option to have mechanics like traditional games, and not safari-zone everywhere with no wild battles)

2 hours ago, cyberbully said:

I've never played with Toucannon, but I've fought a few that were plrblematic....I remember them having a move that like heats up their beak or some shit, and if they get the next attack off, and it's a flying move, it was a oneshot for most thing that aren't blatant tanks.  

I play doubles mostly, so birds are usually a good support for getting tailwind off, but this time around, I have an OP Braviary that when d or g maxed can have....Fuck, I think it's called max airstream....Which it has STAB damage and Sharp beak as it's item so a powered up Braviary can one shot most shit with it's first attack and if it hits, it gives a speed boost to both of your pokemon....Not as much as tailwind, but if you already started with another fasr mon, with protect, you can pretty much guarantee you'll go first....And since it stacks, you can have a tank on the field that after 3 turnds can keep up with some of the faster guys....Especially if they get a speed boost in some funky weather condition.

You didn't ask for any of this, but I started typing and wanted to finish it.


its all good. i understood most of that. i got some experience with double battles myself against the cpu using the in game battle simulators. i like weather teams myself like sun or rain. trick room teams also pretty fun to use. 

2 hours ago, Distortedreasoning said:

its all good. i understood most of that. i got some experience with double battles myself against the cpu using the in game battle simulators. i like weather teams myself like sun or rain. trick room teams also pretty fun to use. 

Yeah, I meant to mention trick room when I was talking about speed, but as you saw, I got to rambling.....I have 3 fast guys and 3 slow dudes on my main team including a super slow Oranguru with a lagging tail equipped and telepathy as it's ability.....Him with my eatgreeedy snorlax with belly drum and earthquake make for a good counter if I see trick room pokemon on the other  player's roster.

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