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Are there any foods that you would never eat again?

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Basically, is there any food that, if you were to eat it, you'd risk feeling sick because you've had it too many times? I can name several, some of which may be unpopular:

• Macaroni and cheese is something I will never willingly eat again. As a kid, I was forced to have a baby sitter until I was 11. My parents went with the same baby sitter for about 4 years. Guess what was almost always on the menu when they were babysitting? Fucking mac and cheese. There was one span when I had this shit for three days, and no lie, the next day when my parents actually cooked? They had mac and cheese as one of the sides. So no. I never really liked it to begin with, so this solidifies mac and cheese as one food that I will never willingly eat again if I have a choice.

• Ham is a meat that I enjoyed at first, but over time, the taste of it currently makes me recoil. I have a poultry allergy, and as a kid, I had to go to several people's houses during Thanksgiving and Christmas. I was served ham, because it was the only thing that they could feed me that wasn't a fucking whole bird for whatever reason. They refused to compromise. We would literally go to family members' houses three days in a row for each holiday, and because I couldn't switch things up regarding the meat, and because someone specifically bought ham due to my allergy, I was expected to eat it. Every. Fucking. Time. And nobody wanted to take the leftovers home, but my parents did. So I'd eat even more ham, and I'd be expected to finish it. Most of these family members are dead or I have chosen not to remain in contact with for personal reasons, so my grandmother compromised and I get to eat beef or pork loin, which is much better (and tastier). I will never go back to ham. Ever.

• I'm not much of a fruit person, but if you were to offer me a cherry, I might gag in front of you. Cherry feels like the most fake flavor out there. I say this because every medicine I was offered as a child was cherry flavored. It's like Ginger Ale. I only tasted this flavor when I was sick or needed something to ease a headache or cough. Coincidentally, most of the shit that my parents bought for me as a kid was cherry-flavored.

So yeah, that's a basic list of stuff I will never eat in the future. I'm open to a lot of things and will try anything at least once, but most of my negative food experiences have been due to being overfed stuff to the point where I can't stomach them anymore.

I can't be the only one whose experienced this kind of stuff.

Edited by Gyaos
  • 2 weeks later...

I can't really recall anything in the past, but recently I gave that whole vegan "meat" a try, trying out an impossible whopper from BK....

Never again. I already knew before hand that vegan meat is worse for you than regular meat (to make up for not being made of meat they use a lot of oil and sodium and things of that sort), and it's even worse for men since it's high in estrogen. I mainly tried it that one time just out of curiosity to see how that impossible meat compares to normal meat. To be fair when you were biting into it mixed with other things on a burger you don't notice it as much, but it still doesn't taste particularly good. Especially when I got to the last couple of bites where by that point it was mostly that fake meat and bread, and by itself that shit tastes worse than the cheap ass burgers they served for lunch back when I was in school.


99 blackberries 99 proof schnapps. When I was 18 nobody would do shots, being a badass I faced the whole bottle in a chug. 20 mins later mid conversation my eyes rolled in the back of my head and I passed out standing up, and went limp for 10 seconds. This was also at the end of the night and I had been drinking all day already before that. Spent the rest of the night yacking my guts out. Then my dad had me hang drywall the next day for not being able to hold my liquor. Now pretty much anytime I smell that stuff I can feel my stomach turn. 

  • 3 months later...

Potato salad.

I took the very first bite of it at age three and immediately puked.

The babysitter was furious.  "That's NOT good TABLE manners!".  She whipped me with an extension cord until I ate the whole serving bowl.

Much later, my Dad saw the marks on my back.  He asked whether the cat had made them.  I just pointed at my back with my thumb and said, "Shirley done it."

He fired her, but didn't press charges.

Literally, the smell of potato salad still makes me relive those minutes.


escargot wasn't my favorite. maybe i used the wrong kind of recipe for preparation. family still ate it, but i had to eat the majority of it. 

  • shelled pasta
  • American cheese and Velveeta
  • ham
  • bologna
  • deli turkey/chicken
  • oysters
  • hard boiled eggs
  • potato salad
  • sisig
  • rellenong bangus
  • breast milk
  • baby food
  • raw hamburger

Reser's pizza. That shit is excess cooking grease that they threw tomato sauce and cheese on top of and you can't convince me otherwise.

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