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what temperature do you turn your heat to in the winter

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Ideally, 68 when I'm home, down to 62 when I sleep then up to 64/65 when I get up in the morning so it doesn't have to go all the way from 62 to 68 when I get up in the evening

I've been keeping it a bit cooler so far (62 to sleep, 64/65 all other times) until I find out how much it costs to heat the house at that temperature since this is our first time in an actual house and so we don't have other apartments right next to us to help keep the heat in and also idk how good the insulation is here


It's generally much cheaper to heat than it is to cool for me (This year my electric bill topped out at around $80 and that was with central air on at like 74 most days and a portable unit on at 72 all night in our bedroom most days). When we don't use any AC, electric bill is like $35.

Gas bill is usually like $30-35 when we don't use heat and gets up to like $50 max at least in my past places. It was like $42 this past month and that was with keeping it cooler and only using the heat like half the time so I'm worried about how high it will get come like, January 


i'm good down to 60 because i don't mind adding layers, but the wife and kids don't know how to self-regulate like a former homeless person can. got the nest set to 68 during awake hours and 65 during asleep hours. wife likes to bump it to 70 when i'm not looking, but i have it set to revert on schedule. we have a big old house, so it's usually a few degrees cooler away from the thermostat in some of the north-wall rooms.

3 minutes ago, Athena 92 said:

It's generally much cheaper to heat than it is to cool for me (This year my electric bill topped out at around $80 and that was with central air on at like 74 most days and a portable unit on at 72 all night in our bedroom most days). When we don't use any AC, electric bill is like $35.

Gas bill is usually like $30-35 when we don't use heat and gets up to like $50 max at least in my past places. It was like $42 this past month and that was with keeping it cooler and only using the heat like half the time so I'm worried about how high it will get come like, January 

my gas bill is like $10 a month during the summer. winter i think it can get up to 50-60

1 minute ago, Naraku4656 said:

my gas bill is like $10 a month during the summer. winter i think it can get up to 50-60


What does you water heater and stove use? I've almost always had gas for both. I'm guessing it's the water heater that takes up most of the gas cost

2 minutes ago, Naraku4656 said:

my gas bill is like $10 a month during the summer. winter i think it can get up to 50-60

i'd kill for bills that small. the house bill goes down to around $150 when we're not running heat or air. $250 is normal in the summer. and $300 happens in the coldest winter months.

before we did an efficiency overhaul at the bar, our bills in the summer would be over $1000/mo and about 70% of it was for cooling.

8 minutes ago, Athena 92 said:


What does you water heater and stove use? I've almost always had gas for both. I'm guessing it's the water heater that takes up most of the gas cost

both use gas but still. i never go over $10 during the summer



How the fuck

Even before kidney moved in and it was just me using hot water my gas bill is never below $30

How mich u pay per unit or however they measure it I wanna know if gas is crazy expensive here or if I have shitty water heaters or what

1 minute ago, Athena 92 said:

How the fuck

Even before kidney moved in and it was just me using hot water my gas bill is never below $30

How mich u pay per unit or however they measure it I wanna know if gas is crazy expensive here or if I have shitty water heaters or what

idk maybe i'm special?



Well, since it's fixed. I don't have it on at all during the day....then set it to about 70 before I leave to come home.  After that, it drops to 67 and I let it stay there....Not so much for the humans, but for the 2 fish that don't have heated aquariums.  The house traps heat well, so it doesn't drop too hard during the day, but once the sun goes down, I worry about the little guys.


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11 hours ago, Naraku4656 said:

i usually do 67 when i'm home and 65 when i'm not

68 overnight, 70 daytime, 65 if I'm gone for awhile & the Nest doesn't register movement.

1 hour ago, Naraku4656 said:

i used to live in an apartment but i had to pay for all of the utilities

That sucks.

Everything but electricity is free in my apartment. It's not subsidized housing either.

16 minutes ago, bnmjy said:

That sucks.

Everything but electricity is free in my apartment. It's not subsidized housing either.

my old apartment didn't have a gas heater. it was an electric heat pump and i hated it. god i was so happy when i moved out of that dump

1 minute ago, HardcoreHunter said:

35 unless I'm expecting company then I turn it on for them. Surprise guests tough shit keep your coat on if you don't like it, call ahead next time. 

why so cold

5 minutes ago, Naraku4656 said:

jeez man

People who live west coast are like that. I'll be talking to people over there who are saying how unbelievably cold it is since it started dipping into the mid 60s at night.  Then my east coast ass just throwing on a sweater, coat, and gloves because it's 18 degrees out in the morning. I actually passed on going out hunting this morning due to the cold. It's still archery and I have to wake up at 3am to start getting ready and drive out then walk up to my spot by around 5am. Though when you archery hunt you can't wear many layers because it'll mess up your shot and make it more difficult to pull a bow. 

2 minutes ago, HardcoreHunter said:

People who live west coast are like that. I'll be talking to people over there who are saying how unbelievably cold it is since it started dipping into the mid 60s at night.  Then my east coast ass just throwing on a sweater, coat, and gloves because it's 18 degrees out in the morning. I actually passed on going out hunting this morning due to the cold. It's still archery and I have to wake up at 3am to start getting ready and drive out then walk up to my spot by around 5am. Though when you archery hunt you can't wear many layers because it'll mess up your shot and make it more difficult to pull a bow. 

i used to live in the north and had to shovel a foot or so of snow in like negative 7 degrees. it is not fun and i don't miss doing that

14 hours ago, Naraku4656 said:

i usually do 67 when i'm home and 65 when i'm not

69 for a/c and 71 for heat is optimal efficiency.

also, open only the upstairs vents and close the downstairs vents in summer, Vice-versa for winter.

20 minutes ago, Naraku4656 said:

i used to live in the north and had to shovel a foot or so of snow in like negative 7 degrees. it is not fun and i don't miss doing that

My driveway is a quarter mile long and not maintained by the municipality. I know the feel. 

12 hours ago, HardcoreHunter said:

Not me, I radiate heat like a furnace. 

Dude, that's what exothermic means.  :D

But I'm like you.  I don't even light the pilot on the furnace unless it's forecast to be near freezing for at least 5 days.  Four I can weather through if it's going back up into the mid 40s at night.  But that's probably my limit these days.  I never turned the heat on at all last winter.  And like Naraku, my usual bills are like $10 or something.  I dunno, I just send them a hundred bucks and when that runs out I send them some more.  I usually use about 1/4 to 1/3 of the "baseline allowance," i.e., what they expect you to use before they start surcharging you more for using over that.

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1 minute ago, Gina Szanboti said:

Dude, that's what exothermic means.  :D

But I'm like you.  I don't even light the pilot on the furnace unless it's forecast to be near freezing for at least 5 days.  Four I can weather through if it's going back up into the mid 40s at night.  But that's probably my limit these days.  I never turned the heat on at all last winter.  And like Naraku, my usual bills are like $10 or something.  I dunno, I just send them a hundred bucks and when that runs out I send them some more.  I usually use about 1/4 to 1/3 of the "baseline allowance," i.e., what they expect you to use before they start surcharging you more for using over that.

You're a freak of nature.


Nah, just a freak.  I grew up in OH though, and we didn't heat the upstairs.  You could make those little footprints with your fist on the frost inside the window glass, and we slept under half a dozen blankets, which was fine, once you warmed it up under there.  Until then it was the 9th circle of Hell freeze your feet off cold.

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7 hours ago, Gina Szanboti said:

Dude, that's what exothermic means.  :D


I thought exothermic meant you gain heat from external sources and endothermic meant that you generate your own heat. That's why in biology rather than calling animals warm or cold blooded we'd say endotherm or exotherm

7 hours ago, Gina Szanboti said:

But I'm like you.  I don't even light the pilot on the furnace unless it's forecast to be near freezing for at least 5 days.  Four I can weather through if it's going back up into the mid 40s at night.  But that's probably my limit these days.  I never turned the heat on at all last winter.  And like Naraku, my usual bills are like $10 or something.  I dunno, I just send them a hundred bucks and when that runs out I send them some more.  I usually use about 1/4 to 1/3 of the "baseline allowance," i.e., what they expect you to use before they start surcharging you more for using over that.

Yeah it's like 39 in my house right now and I'm fine. Use an oil furnace though so my payment for that is more a lump sum than a monthly cost. Sucks though because I was empty and it cost $1200 to fill up my tank. Then people pissed and moaned because I only went out to the bar for one night in october rather than waste money every weekend at the bar. I even made a large batch of barley soup that I've been eating for the past week for like $30. I came home from hunting on Friday and my dad is walking out of my house with my Tupperware and large amounts of my food. I didn't make a deal about it but he told me the soup was good and I asked him to bring the container back which probably won't happen. Then he told me that he was washing and drying a large blanket in my machine because I own a large heavy duty washer and dryer. Asshole threw my clothes out onto the floor that I had in the dryer to do his blanket! You're using my shit you could have at least not ruined my laundry. Also when I went in the house he turned on my furnace and didn't turn it off before he left. It had to have been running for a while because it was 38 outside and in the house it was reading 80. 

15 hours ago, HardcoreHunter said:

I thought exothermic meant you gain heat from external sources and endothermic meant that you generate your own heat. That's why in biology rather than calling animals warm or cold blooded we'd say endotherm or exotherm

Ah, I see the problem now. :)

Endotherms are indeed "warm-blooded" organisms.

Ectotherms are the opposite, "cold-blooded."

However, Sponges said he was "exothermic," which means giving off heat generated in a chemical reaction to the environment (which also fits your self-description of giving off heat "like a furnace").  Hence the confusion.

He'll have to clarify which he meant.  Myself, I took him to mean he is a chemical reaction that gives off heat, in keeping with his inorganic aspirations.

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