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When you kiss a girl, do you ask her first or do you just go for it?

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I used to ask to be a gentleman, but now I just go for it, but sometimes the girl pulls her head back, but you still have to finish the kiss off that way you can turn the tables and make her fall madly in love with you.


Rule of thumb, if you have to ask, she WILL pull away.


BUt seriously, it's not hard to tell if it's go time........Your eyes kiss before you have to worry about if she'll accept the kiss, so you should just know........If you try to steal it, she's gonna revolt.


You want him to go away so you egg him on.....Excellent plan.  Like slapping yourself in the face to kill the fly buzzing around your head.

Still have nerves struck from yesterday, hm?

I know having reading comprehension can be difficult...but you might wanna check back to where I said all toxic posts and people making them should be held accountable to some standard not a specific person. But, hey, you can ride up my post's dick as much as you'd like.


Still have nerves struck from yesterday, hm?

I know having reading comprehension can be difficult...but you might wanna check back to where I said all toxic posts and people making them should be held accountable to some standard not a specific person. But, hey, you can ride up my post's dick as much as you'd like.


You're so easily tilted by Zeni you can't stay out of his threads.....You NEEEEEEED Zeni.  Watch, he'll make another thread and you'll be right there proving my point. 


So don't get mad when you're  *ahem* held accountable for your participation.  Maybe you're what's wrong here.


When you used to ask what did they say?


Their answer probably isn't going to change.



One who was nerdy smiled and said, "Yes" and pulled her hair back.



Another who I went on multiple dates with a few years ago (she was 18 then) told me on the next date, "When you asked to kiss me, I told my friends about it, and I almost wasn't ever gonna meet up with you again. Who the f--k DOES that? If you want to kiss a girl, go for it."


She just went off haha and made it seem like I was inexperienced even though I was six or seven years older than her.


Lol, Cyber, whatever makes your day. I don't really mind that you continuously miss the point, reach high to try to seem valid, and think you know my post history/activity well.


Lol, Cyber, whatever makes your day. I don't really mind that you continuously miss the point, reach high to try to seem valid, and think you know my post history/activity well.


That's some lofty praise....I have no clue who you are.


Incidentally.......The fact that you actually keep calling me Cyber makes me think you have no idea who I am.


That's some lofty praise....I have no clue who you are.


Incidentally.......The fact that you actually keep calling me Cyber makes me think you have no idea who I am.


Her original name is ( kill me then kiss me )

I'm not sure if she talked with you on the old board


My PSN is Zenigundam and I fear she might get too bold for her own good and decide to do a Google search and perhaps end up here reading my threads about OKC and dating. Curiosity... cat... don't do it, baby... =/


But she needs to see them sweet MegaMan 10 speedrun numbers.


Get Street Fighter 5, and we can record some battles of me taking a fall.....Show her those.....I'm your wing man....Man



Lmao those would be pretty funny. I'll be using such basic combos that even with your taking a dive, it might look suspicious.


But she needs to see them sweet MegaMan 10 speedrun numbers.


Get Street Fighter 5, and we can record some battles of me taking a fall.....Show her those.....I'm your wing man....Man


SF pros get the bitches wet, good plan.


Gotta come up with a new name. Making every account Zeni only creates a trail that further links itself to your activity here.


Also this, iirc his trophies won't impress anyone so starting over is no big deal.


When One Hour Photo was new, I never realized that the father says, "What did I tell you about talking to strangers?!" under his breath to the son after "Sai" had given the father and his family nothing but compliments because the director wanted everybody who came in contact with Sai to say, "This is one creepy ass muthaf--ka!" Haha they made his character out to be such a loser.


In the back of my mind, I'm worried that someone will sneak me or snuff me and I'll end up in a social justice worldstar video.

you'll be arrested immediately if you behave the way you do on OKC in real life


You've... never kissed a girl, have you?  :D

Actually, yes. I have. Numerous times. In fact, I've gotten farther with women than you ever will. I was just surprised you didn't post anything rapey this time. It threw me off. :|
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