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Posted (edited)

Reposting this because it got stuck on the previous page, but there IS an update:



"The Adult Swim line-up performed as follows:  2 DRAGON BALL episodes at 0.30 and 0.21/522K compared to last week’s 0.35, MY HERO ACADEMIA down 0.07 to 0.21/503K, NARUTO up 0.02 to 0.22/488K, BORUTO at 0.23, FLCL down 0.02 to 0.17, ATTACK ON TITAN down 0.05 to 0.18, JOJO’S BIZARRE ADVENTURE down 0.02 to 0.17, BLACK CLOVER steady at 0.18/359K, HUNTER X HUNTER down 0.01 to 0.17/324K, ONE-PUNCH MAN down 0.02 to 0.16/316K, LUPIN THE 3RD down 0.01 to 0.13/246K, COWBOY BEBOP up 0.01 to 0.13/239K, and SAMURAI JACK at 0.13/235K." 

9/29/18 - Total Viewers
Show Viewers Retention
DBZ Kai 522,000  
MHA 503,000 96.36%
Shippuden 488,000 97.02%
Boruto 550,000 112.70%
DBS 652,000 118.55%
FLCL3 362,000 55.52%
AOTS3 362,000 100.00%
JoJo4 344,000 95.03%
B. Clover 359,000 104.36%
H×H 324,000 90.25%
Punchy 316,000 97.53%
Lupin 246,000 77.85%
Bebop 239,000 97.15%
Jack 235,000 98.33%
AVERAGE 393,000 36th of 39

Believe it or not, NOT last place!! This whole lineup MIGHT be quite decent once FLCL3 ends; that retention is atrocious! They would be beyond retarded to leave it there in reruns, but I wouldn't put it past them...

Still, hoping it gets shuffled to 2 AM and everything in-between moves up if Bebop repeats or is replaced and we get nothing new on October 21st...

Edited by OwlChemist81
  • Like 1
  • Confused 1
  On 10/2/2018 at 9:04 PM, OwlChemist81 said:

Reposting this because it got stuck on the previous page, but there IS an update:



"The Adult Swim line-up performed as follows:  2 DRAGON BALL episodes at 0.30 and 0.21/522K compared to last week’s 0.35, MY HERO ACADEMIA down 0.07 to 0.21/503K, NARUTO up 0.02 to 0.22/488K, BORUTO at 0.23, FLCL down 0.02 to 0.17, ATTACK ON TITAN down 0.05 to 0.18, JOJO’S BIZARRE ADVENTURE down 0.02 to 0.17, BLACK CLOVER steady at 0.18/359K, HUNTER X HUNTER down 0.01 to 0.17/324K, ONE-PUNCH MAN down 0.02 to 0.16/316K, LUPIN THE 3RD down 0.01 to 0.13/246K, COWBOY BEBOP up 0.01 to 0.13/239K, and SAMURAI JACK at 0.13/235K." 

9/29/18 - Total Viewers
Show Viewers Retention
DBZ Kai 522,000  
MHA 503,000 96.36%
Shippuden 488,000 97.02%
Boruto 550,000 112.70%
DBS 652,000 118.55%
FLCL3 362,000 55.52%
AOTS3 362,000 100.00%
JoJo4 344,000 95.03%
HxH 359,000 104.36%
B. Clover 324,000 90.25%
Punchy 316,000 97.53%
Lupin 246,000 77.85%
Bebop 239,000 97.15%
Jack 235,000 98.33%
AVERAGE 393,000 36th of 39

Believe it or not, NOT last place!! This whole lineup MIGHT be quite decent once FLCL3 ends; that retention is atrocious! They would be beyond retarded to leave it there in reruns, but I wouldn't put it past them...

Still, hoping it gets shuffled to 2 AM and everything in-between moves up if Bebop repeats or is replaced and we get nothing new on October 21st...


Boruto beats Shippuden, mha aka premiere,dbzk repeat, flcl3, aot3

What the fuck? 


I already gave up on FLCL3.

It was Boruto's first ep, it will drop down to earth next week.

Only 36th out of 39th, lookin good!


If the FLCL sequels had aired at least two years ago and got proportional numbers to now, they'd probably be considered failures. But hey, at least Toonami's lowered expectations means you can spin practically anything into a success, and it's also why I think the fact that we still have a ratings discussion thread is proof of mass psychosis.

As for Attack on Titan, the hype has definitely died down since Season 1 finished, and that's contributed to lower ratings. I blame this mostly on the current trend of hyperconsumption in the anime industry, where people get bored waiting for new seasons of shit and then get preoccupied with other shows. But, on the other hand, I don't think S3 starting with a very slow arc about politics is doing the show any favors. I didn't think the last season was too bad, but there are probably many who thought the show took a turn for the worse, and then this was the final straw that made them stop watching.

  • Sad 1
  On 10/3/2018 at 4:37 AM, Blatch said:

If the FLCL sequels had aired at least two years ago and got proportional numbers to now, they'd probably be considered failures. But hey, at least Toonami's lowered expectations means you can spin practically anything into a success, and it's also why I think the fact that we still have a ratings discussion thread is proof of mass psychosis.

As for Attack on Titan, the hype has definitely died down since Season 1 finished, and that's contributed to lower ratings. I blame this mostly on the current trend of hyperconsumption in the anime industry, where people get bored waiting for new seasons of shit and then get preoccupied with other shows. But, on the other hand, I don't think S3 starting with a very slow arc about politics is doing the show any favors. I didn't think the last season was too bad, but there are probably many who thought the show took a turn for the worse, and then this was the final straw that made them stop watching.


Well after the long wait they needed to follow up AOT with a hit S2 to recapture everyone's interest... but S2 was not that good. And now we have S3 and I think it's actually worse. When an anime is good it feels like the episode is over in 10 minutes, AOT on the other hand.....it just dragsssss now. The episodes feel like they take forever. It's officially poison to any casual anime watchers.

It reminds me of another certain hit anime that rose to greatness and then had a certain character get killed by a shinigami which made it take a severe downturn for the rest of its run.

Posted (edited)

I started watching live with Alternative. Glad I contributed, at least theoretically, because MAN, that drop is ATROCIOUS!!


Weird--it isn't letting me paste the grid!? Fine. I'll just do my own take on the 18-49s as usual:

9/29/18 - Adults 18-49
Show Viewers Retention
DBZ Kai 274,000  
MHA 270,000 98.54%
Shippuden 282,000 104.44%
Boruto 301,000 106.74%
DBS 383,000 127.24%
FLCL3 222,000 57.96%
AOTS3 228,000 102.70%
JoJo4 225,000 98.68%
B. Clover 234,000 104.00%
H×H 215,000 91.88%
Punchy 209,000 97.21%
Lupin 166,000 79.43%
Bebop 172,000 103.61%
Jack 164,000 95.35%
AVERAGE 238,929 33rd of 39

Again, looks like it would have been a pretty decent night if not for FLCL3. Of course, then there's the question of whether or not AOTS3 would have crapped the bed after DBS, though while it has in the past, it didn't do quite as bad, averaging 71% when it directly followed Super. I'd say unless there's something new waiting in the wings at 11:30 PM to take FLCL3's place on October 21st, it needs to move down to 1:30 AM for its encore run, and for everything from AOT-H×H to slide up 30 minutes. Hell, that could even be the beginning of a permanent FLCL timeslot in the back half that cycles through all three seasons ad nauseum. I think for what they spent on FLCL2 & 3, it at least deserves that much.

Edited by OwlChemist81

This wouldn’t be so bad if they weren’t fronting the costs for FLCL 3’s production.

And I know they need more originals to stay competitive, but maybe sequels to 15 year old shows isn’t the answer. 

Don’t make Cowboy Bebop II is what I’m gonna say again.


Even I don't really want One Piece back on Toonami. Make no mistake, I'd enjoy having it there and I'd watch it to support it but it's only going to do worse and worse because that pacing is garbage tier and they won't be able to get new viewers to tune in for it even if it's in a good time slot (which it wouldn't be). Not to mention there's 8 series on that are either ongoing or have 100+ episodes. It's way too many even for a 7 hour block. At least let Hunter x Hunter finish and leave before anyone suggests they start airing One Piece again. Sure I'd rather have One Piece than Kai reruns but everyone knows Kai reruns are the smarter investment.

  • Thanks 3

If they are looking for something new, Fairy Tail would be my go to.

Psycho-Pass would also work in a later slot.

FLCL3 is a bomb, they shouldn't have made either honestly. It was a unique moment, everything was just right for it to work. Let it be. Same goes for Cowboy Bebop. Let that be.

Even Pecker can't save the disgrace that is Boruto.

That said they didn't do terrible in terms of key demo share, they just got annihilated by college football and LivePD....




Are they going to air a Shonen from 2009 though? I mean it probably would have been a big hit for Toonami but I think that window of opportunity has passed.

FLCL sequels just weren't a good idea to start with, and the execution was just as bad as the idea. I really hope they didn't blow too much money on these failboats.

Posted (edited)

Well, this is quite strange...


Dragon Ball Z Kai (repeat) (ADSM, 9:00 PM, 30 min.) • 1.044 million viewers (#63) • 0.60 HH (#66) • 0.43 A18-49 (#25) • 0.46 A18-34 (#13) • 0.38 A25-54 (#42)

My Hero Academia (repeat) (ADSM, 9:30 PM, 30 min.) • 1.006 million viewers (#65) • 0.60 HH (#66) • 0.42 A18-49 (#26) • 0.49 A18-34 (#8) • 0.33 A25-54 (#62)

Naruto: Shippuden (repeat) (ADSM, 10:00 PM, 30 min.) • 0.976 million viewers (#67) • 0.60 HH (#66) • 0.44 A18-49 (#23) • 0.48 A18-34 (#11) • 0.36 A25-54 (#48)

Boruto: Naruto Next Generations (ADSM, 10:30 PM, 30 min.) • 1.100 million viewers (#60) • 0.65 HH (#61) • 0.47 A18-49 (#18) • 0.50 A18-34 (#6) • 0.42 A25-54 (#35)

What the heck could be going on here!? Well, it turns out that the numbers given above are 2x the numbers given already, so I believe these huge ratings are actually miscalculations. Not only that, but we may actually calculate the 18-34 ratings for the 9-11 PM time frame as follows: 0.230 for DBZ Kai; 0.245 for MHA; 0.240 for Shippuden; and 0.250 for Boruto.

Also, Gumball might actually be doing better than Dragon Ball Super on average in the 8 PM hour in a few key metrics:

Amazing World Of Gumball (TOON, 8:00 PM, 30 min.) • 0.479 million viewers (#76) • 0.31 HH (#74) • 0.15 A18-49 (#64) • 0.21 A18-34 (#22) • 0.10 A25-54 (#98)

Amazing World Of Gumball (TOON, 8:30 PM, 30 min.) • 0.538 million viewers (#69) • 0.34 HH (#69) • 0.19 A18-49 (#51) • 0.24 A18-34 (#19) • 0.14 A25-54 (#78)

That's at least equal to the better episodes of the Zamasu arc in total viewers, households, and adults 18-34, but lower in adults 18-49 and adults 25-54.

Read more at: https://programminginsider.com/tuesday-final-ratings-espn-leads-prime-time-in-most-key-adult-and-male-demos-with-rockies-cubs-national-league-wild-card-game/


Edited by OwlChemist81
  • Confused 2
  On 10/3/2018 at 11:38 PM, Ginguy said:

FLCL3 is a bomb, they shouldn't have made either honestly. It was a unique moment, everything was just right for it to work. Let it be. Same goes for Cowboy Bebop. Let that be.


I've watched the first two episodes of Alternative, and although I've enjoyed both of them, it definitely feels like this show would've worked better as a completely independent project.

One big complaint I have against both new FLCL shows is actually something I haven't seen anybody else mention: why do they have to be only six episodes? Just because the O.G. series was only this long doesn't mean you have to do that again. I feel like this is limiting the potential of both of them. Progressive suffered from not taking advantage of many plot points and having to abandon them by the season's end, like with amusement park and the shady dodo mascot running it. Also, they could've used more time to balance out the self-indulgence of the action scenes with more relaxed moments to make Hidomi more developed.

I think if Production I.G. had only commissioned one new series, using Progressive's plot as a baseline and all the best ideas from it and Alternative expanded into a 12-episode plot, this idea might have worked better. And also, they could've used a budget higher than what most TV anime get. That won't always make a show look better, but it does seem to help most of the time.

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

Well, they updated, but they PULLED ALL THE 18-34 and 25-54 information!!


However, they did add this:

Dragon Ball Z Kai (Adult Swim, 9:00 PM, 30 min.) • Updated Live+SD: 0.523 million viewers, 0.21 adults 18-49 • Live+3: 0.555 million viewers, 0.22 adults 18-49 • Gains: +0.032 million viewers (+8%), +0.01 adults 18-49 (+3%)

My Hero Academia (Adult Swim, 9:30 PM, 30 min.) • Updated Live+SD: 0.503 million viewers, 0.21 adults 18-49 • Live+3: 0.624 million viewers, 0.26 adults 18-49 • Gains: +0.121 million viewers (+24%), +0.05 adults 18-49 (+23%)

Naruto: Shippuden (Adult Swim, 10:00 PM, 30 min.) • Updated Live+SD: 0.488 million viewers, 0.22 adults 18-49 • Live+3: 0.549 million viewers, 0.25 adults 18-49 • Gains: +0.061 million viewers (+13%), +0.03 adults 18-49 (+12%)

Boruto: Naruto Next Generations (Adult Swim, 10:30 PM, 30 min.) • Updated Live+SD: 0.550 million viewers, 0.23 adults 18-49 • Live+3: 0.612 million viewers, 0.26 adults 18-49 • Gains: +0.062 million viewers (+11%), +0.03 adults 18-49 (+13%)

Wow, MHA is gaining better than ever in delayed viewing in its new timeslot! I'd say leave it there, but it kinda makes little sense that DBS is outside of Primetime, so I say do this and put it back at 10:30 on October 20th...

9 PM DBZ Kai
9:30 MHA
10 PM Black Clover
10:30 Dragon Ball Super
11 PM Boruto
11:30 Naruto Shippuden
12 AM Attack On Titan
12:30 JoJo4
1 AM Hunter x Hunter
1:30 FLCL3
2 AM One-Punch Man
2:30 Lupin
3 AM Cowboy Bebop (or other classic TBD)
3:30 Samurai Jack

I think with Black Clover getting a Season 2 and usually having pretty good retention, a boost to 10 PM right before Super would be a great place for it.

Then on December 8th, MegaloBox at 11 PM slides everything from 11 PM-1 AM back 30 minutes.

Edited by OwlChemist81
  • Confused 1
  On 10/5/2018 at 6:31 PM, Blatch said:

I've watched the first two episodes of Alternative, and although I've enjoyed both of them, it definitely feels like this show would've worked better as a completely independent project.

One big complaint I have against both new FLCL shows is actually something I haven't seen anybody else mention: why do they have to be only six episodes? Just because the O.G. series was only this long doesn't mean you have to do that again. I feel like this is limiting the potential of both of them. Progressive suffered from not taking advantage of many plot points and having to abandon them by the season's end, like with amusement park and the shady dodo mascot running it. Also, they could've used more time to balance out the self-indulgence of the action scenes with more relaxed moments to make Hidomi more developed.

I think if Production I.G. had only commissioned one new series, using Progressive's plot as a baseline and all the best ideas from it and Alternative expanded into a 12-episode plot, this idea might have worked better. And also, they could've used a budget higher than what most TV anime get. That won't always make a show look better, but it does seem to help most of the time.


You know what would've worked best?

Not making either of them.

  • Haha 1
  • Confused 1

The Broly panel at NYCC filled the Hulu Theatre at Madison Square Garden.

It has a 5,000 seat capacity and it’s packed.

Now look at FLCL 3.  LOOK AT IT AND LAUGH.


So what? Dragon Ball is Dragon Ball. Even other popular shonen series would struggle to fill that many seats, except for maybe My Hero Academia.

  On 10/5/2018 at 9:02 PM, Daos said:

As long as we're on the topic of stuff Naraku thinks should never have been made.....  there's no way this isn't airing on Toonami. AND THE STAKES ARE HIGHER THAN EVA.



Oh, I don't care what airs on Toonami. I don't watch it. 99% of the time I'm in this folder is because I click the latest message from the UEMB on mobile, which doesn't say if it'll go to Anime or Toonami, so kinda an accident most of the time.

I did try watching the FLCL sequels and both seem pretty bad and really shouldn't have been made.


So in slightly OT news - The MHA movie made $5 million in a limited theatre run, and apparently MHA rashguards are a thing in the same way DBZ ones are.  I wonder how many kids are gonna hit the gym as a result.

But can Toonami translate that into ratings?

  • Like 1
  On 10/9/2018 at 12:41 AM, Jman said:

So in slightly OT news - The MHA movie made $5 million in a limited theatre run, and apparently MHA rashguards are a thing in the same way DBZ ones are.  I wonder how many kids are gonna hit the gym as a result.

But can Toonami translate that into ratings?


Can Toonami translate anything to ratings? You still have anime fans that don't know Super airs on Toonami.

  On 10/9/2018 at 1:40 AM, Daos said:

Can Toonami translate anything to ratings? You still have anime fans that don't know Super airs on Toonami.


While ads for the Broly movie are all over the NYC subway system.

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

Well, the Kavanaugh confirmation debacle pretty much destroyed Toonami's ratings in a way we haven't seen since Trump's inauguration in January of last year:


DBS #28 and a ludicrously low 536K, and the rest of the eligible shows didn't even make the Top 50. Not like I needed another reason to hate the GOP, but there ya go.

Edited by OwlChemist81

I was just devastated to learn that the hearings WENT INTO SATURDAY.


I think there needs to be a set, impenetrable, set in stone law in our country that no government work is done on a Saturday because it's really not making me in the mood to watch chinese aminu.

  • Thanks 1

Why would there be a correlation? The confirmation was over hours before Toonami started. If there was a contingent of viewers who didn't watch because they were so depressed at how unbelievably goddamn shitty the world is, I understand, but at the same time, escapist entertainment is self-care I'm sure all of these people deserve.

And... well, I think I'm going to take a break from this thread for a while. It's like a knife jabbing bad thoughts into my thigh. :RoboIndifferent:


Don’t forget the McGregor/Khabib fight.  Initial estimates are at over 2 million PPV buys, possibly 2.5 million.  That’s huge.

  • Like 1
  • Sad 1
Posted (edited)

Well, at least it looks like we avoided the sub-200Ks:

"Adult Swim’s line-up performed as follows:  DRAGON BALL at 0.25 and 0.17/536K compared to last week’s 0.30 and 0.21/622K, MY HERO ACADEMIA down 0.07 to 0.14/415K, NARUTO down 0.07 to 0.15/364K, BORUTO down 0.06 to 0.17, FLCL down 0.02 to 0.15, ATTACK ON TITAN down 0.02 to 0.16, JOJO’S BIZARRE ADVENTURES down 0.04 to 0.13, BLACK CLOVER down 0.04 to 0.14/300K, HUNTER X HUNTER down 0.03 to 0.14/263K, ONE PUNCH MAN down 0.02 to 0.14/269K, LUPIN THE 3RD down 0.01 to 0.12/229K, COWBOY BEBOP down 0.01 to 0.12/223K, and SAMURAI JACK steady at 0.13/231K."

But still, DEAD LAST for All Time...

10/6/18 - Total Viewers
Show Viewers Retention
DBZ Kai 519,000  
MHA 415,000 79.96%
Shippuden 364,000 87.71%
Boruto 392,000 107.69%
DBS 536,000 136.73%
FLCL3 348,000 64.93%
AOTS3 334,000 95.98%
JoJo4 297,000 88.92%
B. Clover 300,000 101.01%
H×H 263,000 87.67%
Punchy 269,000 102.28%
Lupin 229,000 85.13%
Bebop 223,000 97.38%
Jack 231,000 103.59%
AVERAGE 337,143 40th of 40
Edited by OwlChemist81

Spacing out the two Dragonball shows is kind of clever because it stabilizes the higher average ratings well at that part of the block.  FLCL3 however is shitting the bed immediately after that.

Posted (edited)


10/6/18 - Adults 18-49
Show Viewers Retention
DBZ Kai 223,000  
MHA 185,000 82.96%
Shippuden 195,000 105.41%
Boruto 217,000 111.28%
DBS 318,000 146.54%
FLCL3 196,000 61.64%
AOTS3 203,000 103.57%
JoJo4 174,000 85.71%
B. Clover 180,000 103.45%
H×H 174,000 96.67%
Punchy 177,000 101.72%
Lupin 150,000 84.75%
Bebop 157,000 104.67%
Jack 168,000 107.01%
AVERAGE 194,071 40th of 40

Man, I'm just at a loss for words at this point. But this is the first time Toonami has ever started [as]. It just HAS to get better from here, right? Alvin & The Chipmunks 3 might succeed where Puss N' Boots failed? If CN can get a blockbuster movie to end its extended broadcast day, Toonami's ratings SHOULD skyrocket. I guess we'll just wait and see if it ever happens.

Even if it doesn't, moving FLCL to a later timeslot (like 1:30) would probably suffice. I'd also put Black Clover at 10 right after MHA and use it to lead-in to Dragon Ball Super at 10:30, swapping it and Boruto, and having Naruto Shippuden at 11:30.

Edited by OwlChemist81
  On 10/10/2018 at 3:42 PM, OwlChemist81 said:

Alvin & The Chipmunks 3 might succeed where Puss N' Boots failed? If CN can get a blockbuster movie to end its extended broadcast day, Toonami's ratings SHOULD skyrocket.


Teen Titans Go! was the direct lead in on saturday

  On 10/10/2018 at 5:11 PM, korosu said:

Teen Titans Go! was the direct lead in on saturday


So Puss In Boots ended early and they had to use an episode of TTGo as filler!? I'll be darned. It apparently didn't show up on on-screen guides, nor does anything of the sort appear to be the case for this week's Road Chip.

Posted (edited)

Inb4 they return a portion of Saturday night back to Adult Swim because they realized starting off it with Toonami was a big mistake.

I didn't think people deem Columbus Day weekend so seriously!!!

Edited by elfie
  On 10/5/2018 at 10:30 PM, Jman said:

The Broly panel at NYCC filled the Hulu Theatre at Madison Square Garden.

It has a 5,000 seat capacity and it’s packed.

Now look at FLCL 3.  LOOK AT IT AND LAUGH.


I mean... FLCL2/3 filled plenty of reasonably large panel rooms this year. But it's not Dragon Ball and it never will be.

  • Like 1

ESPN is reporting the McGregor/Khabib fight topped 2.4 million PPV buys, possibly 2.5 million.  The reason this week looked so bad is obvious now.

Posted (edited)

Well, this sure is interesting...

Puss In Boots (TOON, 7:00 PM, 109 min.) • 0.620 million viewers (#45) • 0.35 HH (#49) • 0.17 A18-49 (#27) • 0.17 A18-34 (#17) • 0.16 A25-54 (#56)

Dragon Ball Z Kai (repeat) (ADSM, 9:00 PM, 30 min.) • 0.519 million viewers (#57) • 0.27 HH (#73) • 0.17 A18-49 (#27) • 0.17 A18-34 (#17) • 0.18 A25-54 (#45)

My Hero Academia (repeat) (ADSM, 9:30 PM, 30 min.) • 0.415 million viewers (#78) • 0.25 HH (#80) • 0.14 A18-49 (#47) • 0.14 A18-34 (#27) • 0.16 A25-54 (#56)

Naruto: Shippuden (repeat) (ADSM, 10:00 PM, 30 min.) • 0.364 million viewers (#86) • 0.26 HH (#76) • 0.15 A18-49 (#39) • 0.16 A18-34 (#21) • 0.16 A25-54 (#56)

Boruto: Naruto Next Generations (ADSM, 10:30 PM, 30 min.) • 0.392 million viewers (#82) • 0.27 HH (#73) • 0.17 A18-49 (#27) • 0.18 A18-34 (#12) • 0.18 A25-54 (#45)

Read more at: https://programminginsider.com/saturday-final-ratings-yankees-red-sox-game-two-on-tbs-delivers-most-watched-saturday-night-mlb-division-series-in-ten-years/

Edited my graph above with total viewers from DBZ Kai and retention by MHA corrected. Also, by my math that 0.14 in 18-34 for My Hero Academia is a ludicrously low 95K. If that's still satisfactory, then great, but the skeptic in me wonders how much longer this can last...


Edited by OwlChemist81
  • Confused 1
  On 10/11/2018 at 4:26 PM, Jman said:

ESPN is reporting the McGregor/Khabib fight topped 2.4 million PPV buys, possibly 2.5 million.  The reason this week looked so bad is obvious now.


Don't forget an MLB playoff game. Really, there's no reason to be mad at last weekend when so much shit was going on.

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