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If a restaurant like, hypothetically, let's say Little Caesars has a drive thru where your experience could be "order at the intercom, get to the window, pay, find out the food isn't ready yet, go inside the lobby, wait longer than quoted by the guy at the window while other people get their orders before you" maybe...they shouldn't have a drive thru window?

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I try not to discuss politics very often, it's just not a pleasant experience these days, what with everything being a circus. But the more I think about PSLF, the madder I get. The only reason we need it is because funding to nonprofits got cut, and is still getting cut year after year. That impacts wages, even for jobs that require degrees. They basically took away wages that were fairly earned, then shoved them into a bullshit "forgiveness" program so that hillbillies and rednecks could gripe/brag about "paying off someone's art degree" for them.

But the math just ain't there.

My last library job had to post openings with two wage bands - one for if you are new to the system, one for if you were grandfathered into the previous, far better contract. This is decided not on years of experience, workload, success rate, etc. It's purely whether you've been in the library for long enough. You just gotta be old.

Not only did we lose benefits but we also lost, I shit you not, $10,000 a year. PSLF takes at least 10 years. Ignoring any CoL increases on top of a higher wage or potential promotions, that's $100,000 pre-tax that we've been denied.

PSLF doesn't end up forgiving anywhere near that. It's a net loss.

On top of that, we get to hear Boomers bitching about "paying for our mistakes" when they STILL OWE US MONEY.

To make it even worse, we paid THOUSANDS more in tuition, we commute significantly further because CoL is too high, and we often end up doing more work because we're better with technology. We take the shit shifts because our contracts don't limit them anymore and, frankly, working in nonprofits is an exercise in patience, at best. I'll never go back, you can't take me alive!

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Posted (edited)

I’m pretty hungry but I don’t really have anything worth eating in my house. So, I was just gonna order whatever to get me by. That is, until I realized we’re about to get a rough thunderstorm for the next 2 hours. I don’t like sending delivery drivers out in this shit. Dilemmas…..

Edited by The_annoying_one
There’s no apostrophe in hours.

My sincerest thanks to Taco Bell for putting what looked like an entire head of lettuce on my chalupa after I specifically asked for no lettuce on my chalupa.

I just love food that’s completely devoid of flavor and impossible to pick up & eat without spilling it all over myself.

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I appreciate the fact you listened to me when we signed back up with the internet service you had before we got this one. Now that I know the original internet company is shit, please listen to me and cancel it and keep the one that replaced it in the first place, especially since I'm admitting that I was wrong.

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I ordered a single pizza for myself because I just didn’t feel like cooking.

Just a few minutes before it gets here, I get some unexpected company. They proceed to eat most of my pizza before I have a chance to protest, then have the audacity to complain that I didn’t get the toppings they wanted.

What in the actual fuck is going on in my life?! :distraught:

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I found out yesterday that one of my favorite old stores is going to close for good June. Since I know I won't likely get back there for any last minute sales, I went today. Artisanal soaps, tea, a pair of socks with a swear on them, cat nip toys, a pack of sandalwood incense that my friend's apartment used to smell like. One last sit in the wooden booth in the back - it was the last place we all gathered together in one spot. One married [ but at least still lives in the area, our schedules just conflict ], one went to Canada to be treated for mental illness properly and without going into debt, one went crazy period, and one died. I feel like I'm the only one left in the group and now even the places we hung out are going to be gone. 

Already feeling miserable, I wanted to grab McD's on the way home only to find out that that particular McD's has been torn down and is now an empty lot. So tired of soup. I wanted medicinal fries. 

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3 minutes ago, katt_goddess said:

I have this stuck in my head on repeat and now it's y'all's problem.


Not if I don’t click on it. 🤪

Now, onto my (almost) daily rant.

You can take my money as soon as I make the payment. Why, then, is my rightful refund going to take “3 to 5 business days”?

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1 minute ago, The_annoying_one said:

Not if I don’t click on it. 🤪

Now, onto my (almost) daily rant.

You can take my money as soon as I make the payment. Why, then, is my rightful refund going to take “3 to 5 business days”?

You'll click it for the weird little alien musclemen in their Chippendale collars, that's why!

And yes, I have no idea why it takes literally 15 minutes for a payment to be processed but a week to get a refund. It should be the equivalent of a reversed charge. Don't be a putz about it.

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They permabanned my guy yesterday lol. Said it was from a mean X-Men review, but I think it’s because he’s been talking to me and trying to get me back on. He had 20 full years there, it’s so weird what they’re doing now.

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More TV woes.

Was finally able to pick my TV up from the shop today. Got it home and….I don’t have a power cord, even though I’m pretty sure I didn’t give it to them.

The repairman said they’d supply a new cord when I picked it up but they didn’t. I have to go back tomorrow morning and get it.

I am so done with this fucking bullshit….

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Wasted several minutes of my time fighting to get a perfectly fine DVD to play before ultimately giving up.

Fucking turned it off and on until I conceded in ejecting and re-inserting which also didn’t work. Never again. The second I get my hands on a better VCR and DVD player, I’m chucking that piece of shit out the window just like that GameFly commercial.

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Conspiracy theorists are so fucking annoying and it's not because of their theories it's because they just don't know when to shut the fuck up. They're always trying to interject their beliefs into a conversation when no one was asking for in the first place. 

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Why in the hell do people think you "owe" them conversation.

At the airport and this lady goes "I like your sweater". I said thanks.....but this isn't over.

Where are you headed 


Nowhere? Why are you at the airport 

*Deep breath* I'm dropping my mom off.

*She looks around* where's your mom?

*Reaching critical mass* 🤷🏿‍♂️ (she was in the bathroom, and I had her luggage next to me)

Is something wrong?


Omg why are you so dry, I'm just trying to hold a conversation 

And I'm trying very hard not to have one.

Fine, don't let me bother you

*Contemplating saying too late* it's ok.

*Storms off to bother some other poor soul, sitting alone*

She was a passably attractive female, and 10 years ago I would have took a shot, but these days....just leave me alone, pls.


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Posted (edited)

"I don't read my emails, when I see 'Hi, Blackrose321' I just stop reading."

Explains so much of why we're always late with things...I'm basically just an answering machine with babysitting capabilities.

Edited by Blackrose321
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Me remembering how funny cracked.com used to be as I see a headline on that news thing Windows has now that says 13 Popular Candies That Are Overrated:

YARN | Look how they massacred my boy. | The Godfather (1972) | Video clips  by quotes | e1075657 | 紗


All these dillweeds grasping at straws talking about how Lebron James is "better" than Michael Jordan. (He's not.)

For context, there's this graphic detailing all of the years MJ didn't win the title. On said graphic, it has the year 1994 listed. Now fot those who know, he had retired before the 1993-94 season. I point this out, and the guy who posted the graphic says it means the 1994-95 season. Talk about grasping at straws, right? So I point out that it would say '95 instead. He then doubles down and responds with stupidity at its finest. (Also, the person who made the graphic, for whatever reason, chose to make it listing the beginning years of each season in question instead of the ending years of each season, which is what you're supposed to do.)

My comeback: "Admitting it is the first step, sir. Good for you."

Recency bias is real.

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Bought some rolls for my tuna....I go to open them and see the twisty thing has like one twist in it.....instant red flag so I look closer.... there's only 6 rolls...there should be 8. 

Ugh, throw the whole bag away

.....guess hot dog buns will have to do

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Supreme would be the best way to go if you’re having real pizza, but with frozen I just can’t do supreme anymore because they put the most disgusting fucking amount of “sausage” on it to where it’s inedible.

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That limited edition 'blue milk' from Kemps is...kinda chunky. It reminds me of the milk drank by Newcomers on 'Alien Nation'.

And it made my coffee a really weird color when I used it as creamer. 

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Posted (edited)

I fucking hate people who think you are other people and then when you tell them you aren't the person that they think you are, they get offended....this is why I don't socialize anymore. People think you are obligated to make them secure in being blatantly wrong. 

Yeah, remember....we were at Leon's 

I don't know Leon 

Yes you do, you and your old lady were trying to have a baby 

Definitely not sir, I moved here with my kids and have not been trying with anyone to make more ... definitely not in the capacity that I was discussing it with you.

Yeah because you tried to get me to come to Michelin 


Edited by André Toulon
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I’m sure I’ve talked a fair bit about being a reclusive introvert, like it’s some kind of badge of honor. But I really do need to try to start being a little more social….or at least get out of the house a lot more often.

Feels like the cooped-up blues are beginning to creep in.


I’ve been racially profiled by the same noob cop and I have to wonder what the endgame is if I know the law, have gotten second opinions reaffirming that I know the law... I mean what the fuck is there to prove? Just wasting time?

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You know how when you’re a kid you sometimes dream of being able to have a job where you’re paid to do nothing?

Well I have somehow accomplished that dream and I am absolutely miserable.  A combination of paranoia, low wages, and lack of satisfaction, since I never set out to do this.  Every day I wait for someone to just fire me.

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One of my pet peeves as a cashier is when customers try to pay with a busted up ass card. Either the strip is completely fucked up then I have to type the numbers in manually or the numbers are faded or the card is completely falling apart. Is it really that much of an inconvenience to just simply order a new card?:LithiumSmileyIndifferent:

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