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Name:  Name

Age:  Old

Gender:  Male

Sexual Preference:  Woman boobs


Turn-ons:  Food.  Video games.  Anime.  Boobs.


Turn-offs:  Sports.  Boring shit.  Gross boobs.


Perfect Partner:  Woman with boobs.

Worst Partner:  Miley Cyrus.


Name: Bddy

Age:  37

Gender:  Male

Sexual Preference:  clean


Turn-ons:  Food.  Video games.  opiates, trolling


Turn-offs: talking


Perfect Partner:  mute Asian chick with beaucoup ass 22788722_1670013359724267_6230318989797923542_n.jpg?oh=870cdef509978ca3c9214f675d279fdd&oe=5A73E672

Worst Partner:  Dudes


Name:  Rib Master

Age:  666

Gender:  Male

Sexual Preference:  BBQ Sauce


Turn-ons:  Cheese Sticks/Soft Skin/Has an Appetite


Turn-offs:  Vegetarians/People who don't like Ribs/That fishy-fish fish smell that smells fishy


Perfect Partner:  Bayley (WWE)

Worst Partner:  Hilary Clinton


Name:  Starts with a C.

Age:  20.

Gender:  Female.

Sexual Preference:  Women.


Turn-ons:  Intelligent conversation, legs, boobs, eyes, being feminine.


Turn-offs:  Women dressing and acting like men.


Perfect Partner:  Jennifer Lawrence.

Worst Partner:  Rachel Maddow; men.


Name:  Phillies

Age:  31

Gender:  Male

Sexual Preference:  waifu pillows


Turn-ons:  anime and fat black milfs


Turn-offs:  jobs and work and whatnot


Perfect Partner:  futa fuggz

Worst Partner:  any girl who desires employment


Name:  Zeni

Age:  27

Gender:  Male

Sexual Preference:  Hot, sexy girls and cute girls who want to get sexed up


Turn-ons:  Hot, sexy girls who don't try to punk me.


Turn-offs: Bitches who think they're all that when they're just trashy cliches.


Perfect Partner: Wtf this is gay, she just has to be cute or hot and not cross me

Worst Partner:  Wtf, you really are gay



Name:  Candy

Age:  between 30 and 40 years old

Gender:  FeMale

Sexual Preference:  hard cock (on boy or girl)


Turn-ons:  dinner at red lobster. cunnilingus.


turn offs: trump's "presidency"


Perfect Partner:  pretty white boi

Worst Partner:  rude assholes





Name: PM me and be my friend and I might tell you.


Age: Late Twenties, if you get to know me I might tell you specifically.


Gender: All man baby, you better believe it.


Sexual Preference: A long night of me caressing your masculine thigh, nibbling your ear, and driving my long hard shaft deep inside your tight ass. No-Homo-Bro.


Turn-ons: Why don't you message me and find out big boi. ;)


Perfect Partner:


* Red or Dirty Blonde Hair


* Height between 5'4 and 5'10


* Not overly thin and not overly fat or muscular... I'm already practically a wrestler bod myself I don't need to much beef in bed with me.


* Race doesn't matter, though I gravitate towards White, Latino, and Black males usually.


* Religion: Preferably non-religious, or at least liberal in their faith


* Wants kids under the right conditions


* Does not smoke


* Drinks alcohol but is not a recovering alcoholic or something similar


* Does no hard drugs, I'm ok with weed.


* Never been in jail or prison. :|


* Education level: at least graduated from Highschool, though I prefer a college student, graduate, or technical field.


* Preferably mostly mentally stable as I have enough crazy to go around...


* Likes cuddles, and also lots of sex, I am practically a Nymphomaniac.


* Likes Video Games, Table Top Games, Comics, Anime, Manga, Sci-Fi, and Horror


* Reads at least somewhat.


* Can hold an intellectually equal conversation with me on a regular basis... (this is important)


* Makes me laugh, and/or is goofy in terms of personality.... I like hyper silly boys. (also important)


* Is not extremely slovenly.... I can handle some mess but my OCD starts to act up with shit looking like a trash heap ok.


Name:  Phillies

Age:  31

Gender:  Male

Sexual Preference:  waifu pillows


Turn-ons:  anime and fat black milfs


Turn-offs:  jobs and work and whatnot


Perfect Partner:  futa fuggz

Worst Partner:  any girl who desires employment




lol, no you aren't.  I would own you :catlol


Don't destroy the poor boy all at once now.... make it last, the best part and cutest is hearing them whine and beg.


Don't destroy the poor boy all at once now.... make it last, the best part and cutest is hearing them whine and beg.


If Zeni's a really good boy I might allow him to drink his favorite shit beer from a dog bowl :catlol


Name:  Cau

Age:  12

Gender:  jailbait

Sexual Preference:  no thanks, I'm 12


Turn-ons:  blankets, food, pet doggos and kitterz, moms


Turn-offs:  Sports, politics, social contracts, furries


Perfect Partner: someone with a lot of money

Worst Partner:  people that talk a lot


name: weeb




gender:demisexual obstacle course


sexual preference: circa 1990's rachel goswell


turn ons: heavy petting, just straight up beating the fuck out of my s/o and vice versa


turn offs: non-lesbians, football fans, hardcore porn


perfect partner: lana

worst partner:anyone else


Name: Your mom

Age: 800

Sexual preference: Anything that moves and some that don't


Turn-ons:  Getting divorced from....


Turn-offs: Your dad


Are you a Necromancer? How sexy... (My friends never let me roll a necromancer when we play DnD, something about me being too evil and twisted and likely killing our whole party just reanimate their dead bodies).


Name:  Kudasai


Age:  34


Gender:  Male


Sexual Preference:  Woman


Turn-ons:  Music, Anime, Hockey, The Judas Chair owo


Turn-offs:  Boring shit, Excessive tattoos, Drama Queens, Knowitalls


Perfect Partner:  A Woman who won't press charges


Worst Partner:  Traps


Name:  Peppermint Butler

Age:  Over 9000

Gender:  Candy

Sexual Preference:  Old timey vampires


Turn-ons:  Dark Magic


Turn-offs:  Know-it-alls


Perfect Partner:  Vampire King

Worst Partner:  Cinnamon Bun


Name: Undecided

Age: Timeless

Gender: Not specified

Sexual preference: Dead whales


Turn-ons: Rhetorical tenacity, subtlety, Deep Magic from the Dawn of Time, tongue dexterity, cuddling

Turn-offs: False dichotomies, true dichotomies, "reply hazy try again later", mayonnaise, shallowness


Perfect Partner: Remington RM5118R Rodeo

Worst Partner: idle self-proclaimed alpha male


Name:  Naraku4656

Age:  4656

Gender:  Naraku4656

Sexual Preference:  Naraku4656


Turn-ons:  Naraku4656


Turn-offs:  anything else


Perfect Partner:  Naraku4656

Worst Partner:  you


Name:  Tex

Age:  26

Gender:  Male

Sexual Preference:  I like big butts that I can't deny.


Turn-ons:  Food.  Video games.  female butts. thicker but curvy girls


Turn-offs:  Sports.  Boring shit.  Too much make up. Overly aerobicized bootys. Really skinny chicks


Perfect Partner:  **shrugs**

Worst Partner:  Anyone that's into my turn offs?


Name:  Tali von Rosenberg

Age:  Forever 21

Gender:  Did you just question my gender?

Sexual Preference: Otherkin


Turn-ons:  fugg's hooha :painfap:


Turn-offs: fugg's hooha :barf:


Perfect Partner:  Woman with fugg's hooha :fap:


Worst Partner: Woman with fugg's hooha |::


Name:  Tali von Rosenberg

Age:  Forever 21

Gender:  Did you just question my gender?

Sexual Preference: Otherkin


Turn-ons:  fugg's hooha :painfap:


Turn-offs: fugg's hooha :barf:


Perfect Partner:  Woman with fugg's hooha :fap:


Worst Partner: Woman with fugg's hooha |::

Aww you're never gonna find your true love :catlol

Guest IncoherentBabbling

Name:  tiddays

Age:  tiddays

Gender:  tiddays

Sexual Preference:  tiddays


Turn-ons:  tiddays




Perfect Partner:  tiddays

Worst Partner: 


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