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Worst: candy corn


Best: idk >_> don't really care for it? unless there's some fancy dark chocolate/raspberry bars some rich people be giving out.


Best - twixes

Worst - homemade treats. Trick-or-treaters are kids rolling by strangers' homes one night of the year, and for some reason a few folks think that I'm supposed to trust your barely wrapped clump of whatever shit you threw together in a kitchen I ain't stepped foot inside of before. Hell no! And even if I was tempted, my parents chunked anything homemade into the trash as soon as we got back home.


oh, and that peanut butter taffy garbage


you know, these things



I had to look them up to find out they were called peanut butter kisses. EVERYTHING ABOUT THAT NAME IS WRONG.


I'm usually understanding about what candy people are able to afford, but there is no excuse for handing out those abominations. Dum Dums, Pixie sticks, Laffy Taffy, even those mother fucking old people mints would be better alternatives. Shit, if someone buys those things, they're doing everyone a favor by keeping their damn porch light off.


I'm usually understanding about what candy people are able to afford, but there is no excuse for handing out those abominations. Dum Dums, Pixie sticks, Laffy Taffy, even those mother fucking old people mints would be better alternatives. Shit, if someone buys those things, they're doing everyone a favor by keeping their damn porch light off.


I've actually did handed out laxative candy a couple of years ago

But I only gave it to the high school kids


It was fun to watch fast acting laxatives


These are THE BEST.




But I'm a sucker for white chocolate and peanut butter. Naturally, their combination was perfect. As for the worst candy....those cheap ass gummies that resemble burgers would do the trick.

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