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List things that make you uncomfortable.

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When someone doesn't understand something after it's been explained like a dozen times

Like when three of my supervisors went to the department head and tried to inform him that it's not at all possible to move twenty cubic yards of trash out of the complex in eight hours, when using a 1/3 cubic yard dumpster.  The full cubic yard is required, and this idiot said I wasn't allowed to use it because the small one was prettier.  Dunce!  I'm glad the people up top decided not to renew his contract.

Seeing someone discipline their child in public.


Also, seeing someone's monster child reeking havoc in public because they've never been punished.


my limbs hanging off the bed when I'm asleep (that monster under the bed will eat anything not protected by the mattress kingdom)










Taking charity.

Example: your group goes out to eat and you decline because you're broke but then they insist on paying for your meal and make you feel bad when you get a cheap special because you don't like spending other people's money.


Or maybe I'm just damaged and can't understand friendship. I enjoy giving but don't like it when people try to give me things.


Seeing a roach or centipede in the house

Having to wear pants when it is too warm for pants

Pooping that is taking too long

Pooping when other ppl might need the bathroom

Pooping in general proximity to other people

Having to poop

Also when you dunno if it just a fart or have to poop


Being flirted with.  Especially by attractive women.  It's like, I know you aren't actually interested, so just get to the point and tell me what favor you're trying to get.


Seeing a roach or centipede in the house

Having to wear pants when it is too warm for pants

Pooping that is taking too long

Pooping when other ppl might need the bathroom

Pooping in general proximity to other people

Having to poop

Also when you dunno if it just a fart or have to poop

Centipedes eat roaches.

People who call me sir, or mister.

"Dude" or "man" is fine, because I grew up around people who simply used that as a default for everybody.


People who can see my computer screen as I'm working on writing.

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