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so yeah there's this neat new thing...I love it so much...it's like revolutionized the internet....it's called "google"....I just don't know how I've lived without it all these years  :|


You mean you might actually be dumber without the internet?


You mean you might actually be dumber without the internet?


i was being facetious...but I don't think I've done anything to you...sooooo do you have a problem with me scoob? Or can you, ya know, piss off?....

On 9/19/2017 at 1:56 AM, Kang Edward IV said:

Ironic, considering you have used the word "n*gg*r" unironically on multiple instances.



Come on man leave the pewds alone. I hate seeing everone acting like he's the only famous person


to ever use that word to cause a commotion, white or otherwise.  :|




Come on man leave the pewds alone. I hate seeing everone acting like he's the only famous person


to ever use that word to cause a commotion, white or otherwise.  :|


You apparently don't remember that his antisemitic "jokes" were the catalyst for the YT adpocalypse, as well.


And don't even try to pretend that the context of who says it and why doesn't matter.

Guest The Hound
On 9/19/2017 at 1:56 AM, Kang Edward IV said:

Ironic, considering you have used the word "n*gg*r" unironically on multiple instances.

idk who u are but im not racist so go fuck urself into oblivion and then subsequently fire yourself into the sun.




You apparently don't remember that his antisemitic "jokes" were the catalyst for the YT adpocalypse, as well.


And don't even try to pretend that the context of who says it and why doesn't matter.

Ofcourse the context matters, but it's still just a fucking word; comparing someone that is famous for trying his hardest

to be completely brainless and idiotic to an orginization that systematically destroyed probably half a generation of

people is just too much.. I'm not even talking about the meme that I was sarcastically criticizing anymore since

you wanna get all fucking stupidly fucking SJW on me...


The mans done way stupider shit than saying the N word to do that anyway. here.. why not at least talk about what

probably got him on swedens hate list, and provided the spark. fast foward to 11:15.. Those guys supposingly didn't

even know english from what I've heard. but ofcourse...Kang Edward an' the PenguinBoss here are upset about..

the N word.  :|


Ofcourse the context matters, but it's still just a fucking word; comparing someone that is famous for trying his hardest

to be completely brainless and idiotic to an orginization that systematically destroyed probably half a generation of

people is just too much.. I'm not even talking about the meme that I was sarcastically criticizing anymore since

you wanna get all fucking stupidly fucking SJW on me...


The mans done way stupider shit than saying the N word to do that anyway. here.. why not at least talk about what

probably got him on swedens hate list, and provided the spark. fast foward to 11:15.. Those guys supposingly didn't

even know english from what I've heard. but ofcourse...Kang Edward an' the PenguinBoss here are upset about..

the N word.  :|


Did you think I meant the N word when I said antisemitic jokes? I was referencing the very video you posted. You moron.


And despite all that, he's doing this shit again a few months later.


Did you think I meant the N word when I said antisemitic jokes? I was referencing the very video you posted. You moron.

Shit man I'm so sorry. I think I did, I am a moron. Atleast I've finally come to that realization. I could've swore by context

you were referring to the damn use of the n word 'ironocally' or otherwise, I guess I didn't really care enough to read

your post in entirety, but since you said..and I quote "Don't try to pretend the context of who says it and why

doesn't matter..I wont..that's why I posted the video.


All these fucking sweet little SJW's hurt because he did a video trolling fivvr..Fvvvr...{don't care} He didn't even expect

anybody to follow through with his requests and ofcourse one of the only ones that did were those indian dudes he

paid to say "DEATH TO ALL JEWS". Because somehow these people can sign up for fiverr...and pronounce "subscribe

to keemstar"  :|  I'm just done.  I have never been subscribed to Pewdiepie, or really enjoyed any of his videos..


my point though.  :D  The context of the situation..  It's rich.  He's rich and he was obviously using

youtube to call out to all his alt right brothers and bleach the nation a fine mixture of blonde and white.  :|

The only way I can even comment on that situation is sarcastically I'm sorry. and I'm out.  :fap:






my point though.  :D  The context of the situation..  It's rich.  He's rich and he was obviously using

youtube to call out to all his alt right brothers and bleach the nation a fine mixture of blonde and white.  :|

The only way I can even comment on that situation is sarcastically I'm sorry. and I'm out.  :fap:


What nation, the UK?.....


What nation, the UK?.....

I guess I mean that's where he's from right? I don't even know..  I wish I was asleep. Fuck pewdiepie..

he is pretty fucking stupid and inconsiderate to even get himself in a situation like that, but I mean.

This shit is such old news... fuck let me find a meme somewhere to hopefully get this thread back on

the right track.  ::D::





Shit man I'm so sorry. I think I did, I am a moron. Atleast I've finally come to that realization. I could've swore by context

you were referring to the damn use of the n word 'ironocally' or otherwise, I guess I didn't really care enough to read

your post in entirety, but since you said..and I quote "Don't try to pretend the context of who says it and why

doesn't matter..I wont..that's why I posted the video.


All these fucking sweet little SJW's hurt because he did a video trolling fivvr..Fvvvr...{don't care} He didn't even expect

anybody to follow through with his requests and ofcourse one of the only ones that did were those indian dudes he

paid to say "DEATH TO ALL JEWS". Because somehow these people can sign up for fiverr...and pronounce "subscribe

to keemstar"  :|  I'm just done.  I have never been subscribed to Pewdiepie, or really enjoyed any of his videos..


my point though.  :D  The context of the situation..  It's rich.  He's rich and he was obviously using

youtube to call out to all his alt right brothers and bleach the nation a fine mixture of blonde and white.  :|

The only way I can even comment on that situation is sarcastically I'm sorry. and I'm out.  :fap:


I don't think he's literally a Nazi, but jokes about him being a Nazi/white supremacist aren't completely unwarranted, given what he's said recently.  He's the face of YT, he can affect the whole of YT, and he has. A LOT of channels are losing money and some have been demonetized completely because of the change in ad revenue brought on by the video you linked. And to have such an effect on so many others, I'm perfectly fine with the consequences he suffered because of it.


But despite all that, a lot of people forgave him because it was supposed to just be an edgy joke that fell flat. The new incident, however, just totally blows my mind, with the explanation that it was just a "heated moment," and people are actually defending him. I'm a white guy in the South, and I've never heard that word spoken by a white person out of sheer frustration. No one hits their thumb with a hammer and screams "Spic!" It's absolutely ridiculous.


I personally don't like his videos, either. I saw an Amnesia video and it was just him screaming and making rape jokes, then I was done. I don't think he's necessarily a bad person, but I'm not losing any sleep over him making piss-poor decisions.


Oh god.. I.  I fucking know nothing rhymes with Penguin anyway, but I needed a pick me up dammit.


Please don't judge me.  :cato



P.S. Yes pewdiepie is a moron with what was once and for all I know still is the highest subsciber count

on youtube PenguinBoss, but I've always never understood why for one.. and secondly I was never really

trying to defend him in the first place. I was sarcastically defending him at first..but come on man. The mass

demonitization is on youtube GOOGLE. They have the money, and man power to come up with a better

system for demonitization than the shit that they are currently being sued for by a lot of big channels.




P.S.S. Yeah I'm mad bro.. not at you though. I didn't even draw that picture. It's probably

better than I could do. All I got is MS paint and I suck with it.



Oh god.. I.  I fucking know nothing rhymes with Penguin anyway, but I needed a pick me up dammit.


Please don't judge me.  :cato


We've seen your bars, man.  We all know rhyming isn't your strong suit


I'm not going. Got work the next day. Who does shit like that on a Tuesday.


I will however meet you. I don't harbor any hard feelings. I'm over it.

It was stupid anyway and I apologize for treating you the way I did.


Very bad idea, Pooh

Guest VegetaFajita

Very bad idea, Pooh

shut up u little bitch
Guest The Hound

Welp, there goes that whole Viper taking the highroad thing.

no no

just not putting up with any little bitches shit





Guest The Hound

Adult Swim on the Green, a week from today

my man



you are gonna get spinning heel kicked in the fucking face if you approach me and my girl



im warning u now

Guest The Hound

that sounds just like high road mentality.

and what exactly does it fucking matter to you?
Guest The Hound

You're not putting up with your own shit?



suck my dick bro

and what exactly does it fucking matter to you?


I doubt it actually matters. This is a forum, people see shit and comment on it.

Guest The Hound

I doubt it actually matters. This is a forum, people see shit and comment on it.

thanks for stating it.
Guest The Hound

it seems that I walked into a pile of shit....

go back a page and u'll see why i went there.

that you're being a hypocrite? i mean, i don't give shits on these problems. i just like pointing them out.


To be fair I don't think I've actually seen any hypocrisy in this thread, the whole high road thing came from Pooh's comment. And Zeni made several snide posts in here before Viper said anything. :it:


To be fair I don't think I've actually seen any hypocrisy in this thread, the whole high road thing came from Pooh's comment. And Zeni made several snide posts in here before Viper said anything. :it:

to be fair, i can't imagine viper knows what a high road would even look like, so i guess you got me there.
Guest The Hound

to be fair, i can't imagine viper knows what a high road would even look like, so i guess you got me there.

to be fair



i know it looks like this




Guest The Hound

:420: <3

aye he doubted my high road knowledge. :D

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