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Guest poof

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Oh, you should do the colonoscopy prep enema stuff, like 2 Gatorade bottles with half a container of Miralax each, no solids the day before or of, and some extra stool softener. I vouche for this stuff:



Then when you really feel it coming, climb on top of a roulette wheel, point butt up, spin, and spray.

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Idk. On one hand, yes, they're voluntarily keeping the Trump name on there & sending him money, but on the other hand, he hates that they still had his name on them & tried to sue them to take his name off b/c he said they weren't keeping the casinos luxurious enough to deserve his name.

Good to see Atlantic City has managed to out-sleaze the Donnie.
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omfg stfu you scared little pussy

This casino gets deliberate trouble makers every day of the week.  Disgruntled former spouses, people who were fired months ago and show up again for malicious destruction, street bums looking to pilfer, people who have gripes with particular employees... we had two in the past five years who thought starting fires was fun.  Nobody in those categories should think they're special.
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we all know cigarettes smell. I'm a huge smoker's rights advocate but I can admit that they smell, yellow surfaces, damage electronics, and are dirty. Some can't admit that for some reason


Just find his Union station and report his ass nonstop

They'll drop him faster than making the toilet with the runs

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you're so stupid it's incredible. I knew all I had to do to piss off a career janitor was talk about making a mess. But it shows how much of a pathetic coward you are that it actually made you scared. You think I'm actually going to take time away from my getaway to bother with you? You push around a mop all day. If I seriously wanted any kind of revenge against you, I'd buy you better health insurance so your terrible life would last longer.



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