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What Tv show are you Watching on Cable, Netflix, Hulu, etc?

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Watched NOT the Correspondents Dinner.  Loved that.  that got me all psyched to watch the actual correspondents dinner, which was just - awful.


otherwise been casually watching/enjoying Bill Nye Saves the World and Mark Hamill's Pop Culture Quest.


Watched last week's Dancing with the Stars and The Amazing Race.


I'll miss Heather.  She was really good. 

The former baseball player, rodeo guy, or The Bachelor star should have been voted out instead.



Also watched The Simpsons tonight.


That was a really good Pokemon parody.  I enjoyed it.



Gotham - S3E17


Pros: the return of Freeze and Firefly, Gordon getting the Riddler to do what he/the Court wants without cracking under pressure, the Batman Returns homage

Cons: the lead-up to the Batman Returns homage, the fact that Gordon and Lee can no longer interact with one another without the latter calling the former a horrible person, the A.V. Club still giving the show C ratings



Watched Survivor on CBS.


I'm glad Sierra was voted out.  Really thought Andrea was going to get voted out.

Sarah is a really good player and I'd be happy if she won.  Cirie is still my favorite though.



I finally finished that awful Riverdale show



I still don't know how I got roped into a live action Murder Mystery Drama, I've been purposefully avoiding such shows for years


Watching Survivor on CBS.


It's strange that two people are getting voted out this episode.

I would have voted out Brad during the first part.  They lost their chance.

I'm worried about Aubry.  Edit:  Guess I didn't need to be.  I didn't see that coming.

I'll miss Mikayla.  Some of the people I'm rooting for are in trouble.  Mostly just Cirie.



Watched Survivor and the after show kinda.

I didn't like how it was going so I was mainly playing Hyrule Warriors Legends on my 3DS with it on in the background.



I'm okay with the winner but my last two favorites were the first two voted out right away.

Sarah deserved the win, but I liked Cirie and Aubry the most out of who were left.



Ah, I watched the first season of Outcast.

Usually I like shows like that, but eh, I just couldn't get myself to like it.

Maybe it was the pacing.


Just watched: Fargo 3x06


Lol, welp, Elliot killed his own brother >.> by accident.



Now watching: The Handmaid's Tale 1x07


Got to Season 5 of Parks and Recreation been watching alot of episodes since I started it


Great show <3


The Americans 5x13 [series finale]

I'm going to miss this show T_T


Great show <3


The Americans 5x13 [series finale]

I'm going to miss this show T_T


NVM, looks like season 6 will be the end.

Well thank gawd, 'cuz that would've been a very underwhelming series finale. :D


Watching: The Handmaid's Tale 1x08


Finally finished watching the results show of Dancing with the Stars and watched last week's America's Got Talent.


It's so cool that Puddles Pity Party is on America's Got Talent.

I've been subscribed to him on Youtube for at least a year now and I feel

bad that I forgot about his channel.  I'll be voting for him every week.  I think he's too good for the show.



Watched the last episode of The Amazing Race S29 ep 12 on CBS.com.


Can't think of a worse final three.  Lolo was an awesome team but I think of the other two teams as worse and worst.

I hope next season is better.


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