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I wouldn't change my phone. I freaking love my phone.


Would keep my "i write to drive away the crazy" shirt i got off the internet.


Would keep our spot of land in the hood but would tear the house down and build a trilogy (3 stories).


I would keep my Gibson Les Paul Studio. I would probably get another one in addition, but I'd use them both.


I might keep my current car. It's already paid off, and it's a pretty decent car, no complaints. The only reason I'd get another car is to get one with a built in GPS, as opposed to having to use an external one.




Troll nasty, fat morons.


Did you just call a 3 story home a trilogy?

to be fair, that's pretty funny. i should call my house the Godfather trilogy. my bedroom can be the first one since it's the best, kitchen can be the second since it has the most filler, and third can be the bottom floor which has nothing in it except a mostly empty room and the garage


The anime collection will continue to grow.


Cats would still roam the house.


There would still be a vegetable juicer.




Jeans and flannels


Rack of lamb in a toaster oven


Big, fat pork chops in a toaster oven


Collection of vintage radios



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