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  On 8/11/2017 at 3:54 PM, Skinko said:

I'm so sick of that cocksucker. He has like 87 shows on TV right now, and he's not funny. He's not fucking funny. Not even a little bit.

also he supports Trump so there's that

It's funny to see how far he's pushed on Family Feud, but in everything else he's done, he's a gigantic jackass. He peddles his holier-than-thou BS about faith, beliefs, and relationships while being a serial cheater, has no idea about what he's talking about despite acting like he has everything figured out, sucked up to the Trump teat quickly, and is regularly a douchenozzle to everyone around him.

  On 8/11/2017 at 4:09 PM, JeNewBee said:

If you were able to read facial cues

You might find him a little funny

First of all, I can, and stop being passive-aggressive. Second, no, he isn't funny. His stand-up is garbage, and his TV shtick sucks.

I always thought his Jokes were dumb and his mustache looks like he took a shit and used his hand to wipe then wiped his finger under his nose. at least he supports Tump tho. at least he's not a brain washed left wing idiot :D

  On 8/11/2017 at 7:02 PM, Mini_Ghost said:

well, that's fine you're entitled to your opinion.

Thanks. I've always believed that people should be brainwashed into being Democrats, and anyone who disagrees should be kicked to death in the street. Thank you for respecting that.
  On 8/11/2017 at 6:35 PM, Skinko said:

First of all, I can, and stop being passive-aggressive. Second, no, he isn't funny. His stand-up is garbage, and his TV shtick sucks.

I wasn't being passive aggressive

Most his comedy is making faces in reaction to what other have said

So it's not that far of a leap to think you might have trouble with facial cues

I'm saying he is super funny or anything but at he is somewhat funny


WTF is a "moral barometer"? I've never heard such a canned attempt at coining a buzzword in my life.


Also, I love the look on Tyra's face when he starts talking about it... like "I'm highly uncomfortable who booked this guy?"


Though I don't really like Tyra either for a whole set of other reasons.


The aggressive memo he sent to his staff in an email about "harassing him" while in his makeup room is reason enough to hate him. And I wouldn't normally say that other than he goes out of his way to portray himself as a moral authority on American values.


Memo from Harvey (verbatim including capslock sections).


Good morning, everyone. Welcome back.


I’d like you all to review and adhere to the following notes and rules for Season 5 of my talk show.


There will be no meetings in my dressing room. No stopping by or popping in. NO ONE.


Do not come to my dressing room unless invited.


Do not open my dressing room door. IF YOU OPEN MY DOOR, EXPECT TO BE REMOVED.


My security team will stop everyone from standing at my door who have the intent to see or speak to me.


I want all the ambushing to stop now. That includes TV staff.


You must schedule an appointment.


I have been taken advantage of by my lenient policy in the past. This ends now. NO MORE.


Do not approach me while I’m in the makeup chair unless I ask to speak with you directly. Either knock or use the doorbell.


I am seeking more free time for me throughout the day.


Do not wait in any hallway to speak to me. I hate being ambushed. Please make an appointment.


I promise you I will not entertain you in the hallway, and do not attempt to walk with me.


If you’re reading this, yes, I mean you.


Everyone, do not take offense to the new way of doing business. It is for the good of my personal life and enjoyment.


Thank you all,


Steve Harvey


While he claims that people just "wouldn't leave him alone", he fails to realize that he is one of two executive producers, and it is his talk show. So, communication about things on the set to him is pretty much to be expected. The fact he fails to realize this just shows his character as a person.

  On 8/11/2017 at 9:20 PM, JeNewBee said:

Most his comedy is making faces in reaction to what other have said

So it's not that far of a leap to think you might have trouble with facial cues

Yes it is! That's a huge leap, bro. That's like saying "You hate Brussels sprouts, so you must have trouble tasting food." The hell are you talking about?
  On 8/11/2017 at 10:15 PM, Skinko said:

Yes it is! That's a huge leap, bro. That's like saying "You hate Brussels sprouts, so you must have trouble tasting food." The hell are you talking about?

Not really

  On 8/11/2017 at 10:55 PM, Skinko said:

Yes, really. Your logic is asinine.

You kind of just fly off the handle with all your replies lately

Could just said you don't have that issue and been done with it

But here we find our self in conversation that's not really going anywhere

So back on subject

I usually don't find Steve Harvey fun at all

But every once in a while he'll do something that is somewhat funny

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