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Guest The Hound

Like the petty drama we have here, the history we have here. IF that is brought over there - these admins aren't going to give 1 fuck if you're autistic, dying, or have been raped.

If you start following someone around and trolling them - expect lithium era bans and if ya keep it up ya can get the fuck out and suck your own dick from the back.

No one is gonna care. Ya'll don't have to register either. No weight on my shoulders

Guest The Hound

The userbase of this place is a bit between reddit/4chan/ and somethingawful.






Ya been warned.

It's basically babbling 2006.


Like the petty drama we have here, the history we have here. IF that is brought over there - these admins aren't going to give 1 fuck if you're autistic, dying, or have been raped.

If you start following someone around and trolling them - expect lithium era bans and if ya keep it up ya can get the fuck out and suck your own dick from the back.

No one is gonna care. Ya'll don't have to register either. No weight on my shoulders


Dude, you're all over the place with this......There will be no rules.....Except all these rules.

Guest The Hound

Dude, you're all over the place with this......There will be no rules.....Except all these rules.

The only rules in place are basically banning people who could possibly snitch to the webhost that the "private" access forum has things like porn on it.

It's just to save face and prevent worse case scenario.



When I say "don't fuck with the admins". I basically mean don't threaten any kind of malicious activity towards the server.



Sorry I should have clarified. It goes hand in hand with someone following around admins or mods all day and like say... pulling their fb info and threatening them etc.

People who are a liability.

Guest The Hound

Basically there's some shock images that get posted and other cringe material...... murders... those kinds of things you'd see on like... rotten.com that OCCASIONALLY get posted on this group "like oh hey look at this fucked up shit" kinda deal.



I will be doing various things to block knowledge of who is hosting the forum from the average to above average internet user so keeping people who just want to start shit ALLLLL day on the site is probably a bad idea.


Ban em first, get rid of them before they get emotionally attached the place on some level and starting trying to get things shut down.



This place is going to be largely NSFW which is why certain things have to be really strict.

Guest The Hound

The NSFW works will be separate from the main area.

Logins and registrations will be invite only in the sense that... people will need to answer  a few questions on the registration form before being allowed in.


NO guest access.


The forum will not display ANY information to those not registered.




Something with ASMBers makes them very, VERY cynical.


"Cynical!?" How dare you! I'll have you know that I am also jaded, pessimistic, pretentious, a most massive cunt, and above all else: petty.

Guest The Hound

Website is a 6 core CPU, 6GB of Ram DDR4, Unmetered Bandwidth cloud hosting. I can upgrade the ram to 12, 16, or 32 at a later date if necessary for an extra 50 a year per upgrade.

Guest The Hound

"Cynical!?" How dare you! I'll have you know that I am also jaded, pessimistic, pretentious, a most massive cunt, and above all else: petty.



I read that as moist massive cunt.


"Cynical!?" How dare you! I'll have you know that I am also jaded, pessimistic, pretentious, a most massive cunt, and above all else: petty.


yeah but you look good doin it :)

Guest The Hound

Lmao someone changed their tune with me really quick  :D <3



One last thing

I would not recommend referring to me as "Viperslayer" on this new forum, and tbh none of you will even be able to figure out which Admin account on there is me in the first place.  I have already stated who I want to be Admin for the ASMB part. And honestly directly attacking an admin verbally on this forum will most likely result in an IP ban with this group that will be taking charge. While I say there are no rules - seriously - big red flag warning, don't attack the admins - they'll actually DO something here.


Lmao, so you're running away to this new forum because everyone here is constantly dunking on you, and you're warning people not to go to your new hugbox and mention your asmb piñata identity or troll you because as an admin you'll see that they're banned.


Boy you got all the problems.


I'm reposting all of your wackest threads over there, starting with this one. Let your other friends see what's up.


Website is a 6 core CPU, 6GB of Ram DDR4, Unmetered Bandwidth cloud hosting. I can upgrade the ram to 12, 16, or 32 at a later date if necessary for an extra 50 a year per upgrade.

We're on a 6 core / 12 thread with 8GB of RAM right now. RAM isn't the issue. It's processor power.


You're on a VPS just like we are, and unless you're willing to pay for dedicated like I'm going to have to do, you'll have the same problems if you get the same level of active userbase.


Load problems come from processing multiple sets of SQL queries at the same time.

Guest The Hound

Lmao, so you're running away to this new forum because everyone here is constantly dunking on you, and you're warning people not to go to your new hugbox and mention your asmb piñata identity or troll you because as an admin you'll see that they're banned.


Boy you got all the problems.


I'm reposting all of your wackest threads over there, starting with this one. Let your other friends see what's up.



Tor browsers are blocked.

Your first ban will be your last.

I am not these people. I cannot tell you how it will go if you attack the person giving them a gift.

I recommend you don't do that for your own safety online. These people are not going to like that considering they're doing this to get away from the Zucc.

Please reconsider.

Guest The Hound

We're on a 6 core / 12 thread with 8GB of RAM right now. RAM isn't the issue. It's processor power.


You're on a VPS just like we are, and unless you're willing to pay for dedicated like I'm going to have to do, you'll have the same problems if you get the same level of active userbase.


Load problems come from processing multiple sets of SQL queries at the same time.

You also have this place opened up to ANYONE who wants to crawl it. (Though that is not your decision).

I'm denying access to anyone not logged in. I don't think it will be as bad. Hopefully. I've looked at few dedicated hosting packages and they're all expensive as fuck, though some of the people in this mentioned group has asked if they could pitch in for better hosting.



Like a 5 dollars per existing admin a month - and there is 16 of them.




Tor browsers are blocked.

Your first ban will be your last.

I am not these people. I cannot tell you how it will go if you attack the person giving them a gift.

I recommend you don't do that for your own safety online. These people are not going to like that considering they're doing this to get away from the Zucc.

Please reconsider.


Consequences will never be the same

Guest The Hound


If I show you the FB group, you'll understand.


It's like the outcast group of people who left 4chan reddit and somethingawful because they gave up on everything besides FB, and now they're getting zucc'd at every turn because as soon as they let someone into the group - they wind up getting butthurt and trolled mercilessly till they report pictures or people in the group.

I have a few IRL friends who I got in and even one of them has been zucc'd once lol.


No one is going to shit on you because people outside of here are now where as cynical as most of you. Something with ASMBers makes them very, VERY cynical. The entire world isn't out to get you, it's out to get everyone. If you really think any admins are going to be rude to you on this forum I'm putting up... lol...



People aren't that terrible. Lol.


missing the point entirely


lol, the posters on Viper's board after telling the admins, "Suck a dick just because"



:poop: :post: :420:


I recommend you don't do that, for your own safety online


These people are not going to like that.


I recommend you don't do that, for your own safety online


These people are not going to like that.



Viper gonna do dis to me:




Nabseses  father, please post for me when I get dieded


I like how we're supposed to believe the other admins are like these scary shadows of the colossus internet monsters, yet the two users from here who are going to be admins are fucking viper's joke ass and DJ Lucio[/member] of all people

Guest The Hound

I like how we're supposed to believe the other admins are like these scary shadows of the colossus internet monsters, yet the two users from here who are going to be admins are fucking viper's joke ass and DJ Lucio[/member] of all people




Let me lay it down simple for you and why you are a giant pussy.


1 - Don't know what you look like

2 - Don't know your name

3 - You smell like shit covered pussy

4 - You're a 5th rate troll who can't even bother to go on an actual forum with intelligence. You have 3k post on a forum that 50 people post on.  :fap:


5 - Your only friend is your hand, and even sometimes that doesn't feel like getting you off.



6 - You're clearly butthurt



7 - I've never once attacked you on any forum. You should go eat your own cum.


I like how we're supposed to believe the other admins are like these scary shadows of the colossus internet monsters, yet the two users from here who are going to be admins are fucking viper's joke ass and DJ Lucio[/member] of all people

Basically the admins are supposedly going to be doing all the changes the posters ask for and since you know, that's not possible, the people that don't like the layout will get b& for daring to say they don't like it, that's what I'm getting out of this thread.


Sounds like a real Internet Shangri-la >:D

Guest The Hound

And one more thing

Kidney is a better user than you have ever been Annnnnnnnywhere on the internet :D :D :D :D :D


You are absolutely pathetic for dissing him.

Go take your shit tier babbling ass to my NSFW/Flamedom section of the forum when it comes up and watch how long your fucking pansy ass remains with an intact rectum.




And one more thing

Kidney is a better user than you have ever been Annnnnnnnywhere on the internet :D :D :D :D :D


You are absolutely pathetic for dissing him.

Go take your shit tier babbling ass to my NSFW/Flamedom section of the forum when it comes up and watch how long your fucking pansy ass remains with an intact rectum.

This will definitely endear people to you and make them wanna check out your new forum



This will definitely endear people to you and make them wanna check out your new forum


You sabotage yourself, this entire thread, one big sabotage :poop: :post: :420:

Guest The Hound

This will definitely endear people to you and make them wanna check out your new forum




I don't want everyone here to come to my forum.


None of you will survive more than 15 minutes.






I didn't dis kidney I just said he doesn't exactly instill the type of fear that you're trying to say these other heavy hitta forum admins should in us.

Guest The Hound

You sabotage yourself, this entire thread, one big sabotage :poop: :post: :420:

I have only ever been nice to you Pooh.

Why do you have Luuv's cock down your throat as far as you do right now?



I don't want everyone here to come to my forum.


None of you will survive more than 15 minutes.


Then why have you been trying to recruit users here to join your pisspants splinter forum for over a month now

Guest The Hound

Then why have you been trying to recruit users here to join your pisspants splinter forum for over a month now

Oh no.

I'm done with the majority of you.

Ya'll suck mad dicks. There's a reason people left after Nodebb.

Babbling. (Most of it)

You guys suck.

You're just a ball of negative energy because your life sucks and you have no social outlet to feel better about yourselves.

So you sit around on sites like this and target the most active socialites, or those that blatantly lie about having a life *Cough zeni*.





My life sucks. I'm depressed. But you ever seen me rag on anyone that doesn't deserve it.


Just luuv and zeni bro.

Guest The Hound

I'm literally only in this thread to entertain you now nabs. And you keep biting. I've been hard as a rock ever since you made this thread.


viper. dude. SETTLE. i'm sure your forum full of rejected fb trolls is gonna be plenty nasty. no one's trying to take that feather from your cap. but do you really think it's a good idea to come here, ask people to join, then tell these same people they can't handle 15 minutes with your shitpost buddies? really?


i can laugh really hard. you're welcome to keep trying.

Guest The Hound

viper. dude. SETTLE. i'm sure your forum full of rejected fb trolls is gonna be plenty nasty. no one's trying to take that feather from your cap. but do you really think it's a good idea to come here, ask people to join, then tell these same people they can't handle 15 minutes with your shitpost buddies? really?


i can laugh really hard. you're welcome to keep trying.

Was more or less talking about our disgruntled babbling bros. Not the IBers at heart.




viper. dude. SETTLE. i'm sure your forum full of rejected fb trolls is gonna be plenty nasty. no one's trying to take that feather from your cap. but do you really think it's a good idea to come here, ask people to join, then tell these same people they can't handle 15 minutes with your shitpost buddies? really?


i can laugh really hard. you're welcome to keep trying.


For your internet safety I advise that you edit this post mocking what viper's facebook friends are capable of. They do not appreciate it. Please reconsider.

Guest The Hound

For your internet safety I advise that you edit this post mocking what viper's facebook friends are capable of. They do not appreciate it. Please reconsider.

Are you LD?

I recommend you don't do that, for your own safety online


These people are not going to like that.


you slay me.


this shit is so weird.

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