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You're just getting old.


I'm not saying this to be mean. It's most likely the truth.



have you played the last final fantasy? You have to know all these moves to fight. what happened to just clicking on commands?



have you played the last final fantasy? You have to know all these moves to fight. what happened to just clicking on commands?


Final Fantasy games cost like a billion dollars to make now so they try to appeal to more people by being more actiony.



have you played the last final fantasy? You have to know all these moves to fight. what happened to just clicking on commands?

what final fantasy are you playing? there's like 3 new FF games

Probably just you.

Could also just be specific styles of games too.

So when you mention the altered combat dynamics of Final Fantasy,

it's not so much you're bad at "new games,"

but you're not used to the contemporary mechanics of an old series.


None of you know what youre talking about. Not surprised. For instance, have you tried playing rockband? Its not easy!


I actually do decent at it.



I also have a pretty extensive history with music though.



But even so, that's one example. Some people are great at rhythm games. Some people aren't.


Just because you're good at it doesnt mean its easy Bouvre. Im ok at it to but it took me forever to learn and its no walk in the park.


Likewise, just because you arent good at it doesn't make video games harder by default.

I find it to be the opposite rather. I've beaten more new games than I have old ones.


A lot of the answer depends on what time scale you're looking at. To speak in broad terms, they are getting more complicated. By the sheer nature of having more buttons to press, there are typically more tools at your disposal, which may seem overwhelming, but ultimately results in more control over the situation which translates to actually being easier. In theory, at least. It requires, first, that the options developers make available to you aren't worthless, and second, that you be able to execute them. To the second point, the inputs required to perform actions have become much more generous in recent years, making the burden tend more towards simply knowing what to try rather than nailing precise timing windows- Street Fighter V is an egregious example of this.


Difficulty is another matter entirely. It was trendy in some-what recent years with titles like Dark Souls and Super Meat Boy, but We feel like that is veering back towards the exception rather than the rule. And even so, those games were far and away more forgiving than classics like Battletoads and Mega Man.

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