Guest poof Posted May 24, 2017 Posted May 24, 2017 Especially on this board where it's the same 50 ppl you've known for years? Eventually all ur doing is being mean to who is essentially your friend. I like coming here but I don't wanna deal w/stupid shit. I'm glad tic & Zeni were banned. But there's lots of other who suck and aren't fun to spend time posting w/. It seems like they're the ones who stick around. And the decent ppl are the ones to leave. I get that having our own forum means we don't have to censor junk, but why let shitty ppl do whatever they want? Just w/how mean ppl are here. Why would anyone new even want to post here if we had a theme & trying to attract new ppl? & why celebrate the meanness? I get that some ppl have nothing in their life but trolling the internet, but why should we put up w/it here? it doesn't help & makes ppl want to leave. If you stopped "trolling" for like a minute u could probably actually talk about something
Guest The Hound Posted May 24, 2017 Posted May 24, 2017 I say the same thing all the time poof. The icing on the cake is most of us would all get along fine in person provided theres enough :420: , :brownbottle: and :fap: going around. Anyone acting like a prick will either quickly have their ass kicked or immeditaly be shunned. Its all fake bravado from people who have little to none in person.
André Toulon Posted May 24, 2017 Posted May 24, 2017 I'm only mean to 2 people and it's because being responsible for an internet suicide is on my bucket list.
stilgar Posted May 24, 2017 Posted May 24, 2017 That is why I am only mean to people who aren't my friends.
NaBarney Posted May 24, 2017 Posted May 24, 2017 Having a regular conversation with most people here bores me at this point and some people really annoy me so trying to annoy them back becomes the past time, if it annoys them into leaving forever even better
Ric Posted May 24, 2017 Posted May 24, 2017 I have no idea, I've never trolled or irritated anyone all my life.
1pooh4u Posted May 24, 2017 Posted May 24, 2017 If you agree to have sex with some guy for money, like you always do, does it count as a troll if he's too drunk or stupid to realize you're a trap? If you accidentally fall on your best friends cock when you drink, like you always do, does it count as a blow job even though he only came in your eye?
naraku360 Posted May 24, 2017 Posted May 24, 2017 I take offense at the implication that I'd get along with Packard. Meanie.
Houdini Splicer Posted May 24, 2017 Posted May 24, 2017 Is it because we're really children inhabiting adult bodies?
Mini_ghost420 Posted May 24, 2017 Posted May 24, 2017 I'm constantly irritated if people are trolling or not. I like seeing the madness spread but I don't like trolling myself actually I prefer to encourage others to do it. it's complicated
fuggnificent Posted May 24, 2017 Posted May 24, 2017 I dont get why buddy is pretty much stalking me at this point and keeps saying he wants me to kill myself or die and i dont get why the mods let him do it unless they all agree with him and i dont think my posts are so bad that i deserve to die.
GaiusIuliusCaesar Posted May 24, 2017 Posted May 24, 2017 I quietly hope they will eventually perform the 500 or so actions required for the mods to throw their hands up and ban them. Until then I will occasionally look for threads of interest and post in them. I thought about leaving a while ago, but more people from the old days kept showing up, and I got drunk and decided, why not? That and Rogue constantly gripping at me on tinychat, saying I was letting the trolls win. which I guess had some effect though I mostly found it annoying, particularly because he denies having done it. One thing is for sure, splitting off and trying to make a new forum will only make things worse, but its not like anyone around here is stupid/delusional enough to do that...
Lacks_Sympathy Posted May 25, 2017 Posted May 25, 2017 My whole thing with this message board or the internet or heck just life in general is that it is what you make of it. You're always going to come across people that you may not like or agree with. I'm probably considered an old man now in terms of internet years so I would say it comes with terms of not getting so caught up about what someone says to you or about you, online. I mean personally....I don't know 90% of the people here outside of this message why would I really care that much if someone says something mean or negative about me? But again that's just me and I'm kinda a strange person to begin with so perhaps my perspective is different than most people when it comes to this kind of stuff. Why do people troll....who knows? Maybe their lives are boring and they need some unwarranted drama/attention to make things interesting for themselves. Maybe they're miserable and get their self-esteem by trying to antagonize/bring others down. I don't really know....but my thing is live and let live. If that's what gets them through the day....then you know...whatever. I don't really lose any sleep over that kind of trivial stuff. And quite honestly....probably since I was a freshman in college, I just don't have the time or energy to sit on a message board all day. I'm not really sure how some people do but again and let live. Would it be nice if all of us or most of us got along...sure. But at the end of the day, we're just the tenants. So if the people running this place don't feel like the trolling around here is a detriment to attracting new users/building up a user base....then that's their decision and something beyond my or your control. I just come in the threads I find interesting and with people I find interesting. I don't really make it more complicated than least not when it comes to an online message board.
ThisIdiot Posted May 25, 2017 Posted May 25, 2017 most of the time i'm just bored with myself....going through the same routine will do that to ya. I don't troll anyone here outside of good fun but when it's something like a youtube comment section? I try as hard as I can to take the piss out of people who whine and complain about stuff like peta and animal poachers because the comments are always ...ALWAYS a bunch of people with their heads up their own asses going "people should stop this! this is hurtful!" it's fun pointing and laughing at these fuckers because instead of doing something themselves they'll sit there and demand others do something for them. I don't outright tell them to kill themselves or anything but sometimes you come across that one special asshole and just want to to rip right into them (phrasing..boom...)
Misaka Posted May 25, 2017 Posted May 25, 2017 If you accidentally fall on your best friends cock when you drink, like you always do, does it count as a blow job even though he only came in your eye? I'm eating popcorn and reading this Nearly choked from laughing
Distortedreasoning Posted May 25, 2017 Posted May 25, 2017 Especially on this board where it's the same 50 ppl you've known for years? Eventually all ur doing is being mean to who is essentially your friend. I like coming here but I don't wanna deal w/stupid shit. I'm glad tic & Zeni were banned. But there's lots of other who suck and aren't fun to spend time posting w/. It seems like they're the ones who stick around. And the decent ppl are the ones to leave. I get that having our own forum means we don't have to censor junk, but why let shitty ppl do whatever they want? Just w/how mean ppl are here. Why would anyone new even want to post here if we had a theme & trying to attract new ppl? & why celebrate the meanness? I get that some ppl have nothing in their life but trolling the internet, but why should we put up w/it here? it doesn't help & makes ppl want to leave. If you stopped "trolling" for like a minute u could probably actually talk about something i blame the admin and his refusal to not ban anyone for the longest time. you go on most other forums they dont let the shit zeni or tic were pulling on here roll. we dont have to agree with each other and get along all cumbaya , but attacking people even if its someone like fuggs without any provocation should get you banned. not a fan of all the mean spirited people either. it just creates a toxic atmosphere that is no fun to be around. and fuck you pail for picking on poof again.
Mewn Posted May 25, 2017 Posted May 25, 2017 It's like water and oil around here with certain people. -_'
André Toulon Posted May 25, 2017 Posted May 25, 2017 Ib finding someone else to blame for their internal beefs and dislikes. LMFAO
StarPanda Posted May 25, 2017 Posted May 25, 2017 Because we keep talking about it and pay attention to those who do
André Toulon Posted May 25, 2017 Posted May 25, 2017 I dont get why buddy is pretty much stalking me at this point and keeps saying he wants me to kill myself or die and i dont get why the mods let him do it unless they all agree with him and i dont think my posts are so bad that i deserve to die. It'll be funny to me, and others are just to pussy to admit it'll be hilarious to them too.
Lacks_Sympathy Posted May 25, 2017 Posted May 25, 2017 It's like water and oil around here with certain people. -_' People gettin butthurt on the internetz? No ways ::spin::
PenguinBoss Posted May 25, 2017 Posted May 25, 2017 I'm genuinely curious how many people get on their high horse here, then talk shit somewhere else.
scoobdog Posted May 25, 2017 Posted May 25, 2017 You know, I wonder if being nice really will bring more people here. As often as I've heard that argument, I can probably count on my hand the times I've seen a newcomer that had something interesting to say or wanted to have a serious discussion.
stilgar Posted May 25, 2017 Posted May 25, 2017 I'm genuinely curious how many people get on their high horse here, then talk shit somewhere else. I talk shit everywhere.
Mewn Posted May 25, 2017 Posted May 25, 2017 People gettin butthurt on the internetz? No ways ::spin:: I 'member berries when it was all about surprise buttsecks and Inuyasha.
stilgar Posted May 25, 2017 Posted May 25, 2017 I 'member berries when it was all about surprise buttsecks and Inuyasha. What a dark time that was.
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