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Everything posted by Skiles

  1. Hahaha, you're old.
  2. I only recently started wearing black socks. Mostly because I got them for free. Black socks are great because you can convince yourself they aren't dirty and wear them way longer.
  3. We get it, you're a non-conformist. "Ooh, look at me, I don't do what the cool kids do. I make good decisions in my life." Get outta here, nerd!
  4. Since this is the new IB, for all intents and porpoises. What kind of socks do you wear? Ankle socks? Low cut? Or up to the knees like a grade school soccer player? What's your favorite color of socks? Black? White? Colorful? Designs?
  5. If you want it bad enough, you'll figure it out.
  6. Skiles


    Like I'm really gonna believe that girls pee.
  8. Eagle 20 Red 100s. I like some of the more pricey brands a little more than those, but not enough where I'm willing to spend. Eagles are the best reasonably-priced smokes out there.
  9. That's why I like BK around here, because it is a touchscreen, but you can pour the drink into your cup without picking up mouth germs with your cup. Get the drink, wash your hands.
  10. I don't see how anyone would be surprised by that. I don't touch anything in fast food places. I can't believe I used to actually sit inside and eat.
  12. That's a personal question.
  13. Nah, bad luck insinuates that I put forth any reasonable effort. I didn't try, I just didn't fuck anyone. If anything, it isn't so much a dry spell, as much as a semi-retirement. Heh, semi.
  14. I dunno, man. I'm the same way as you, where I would often just luck into sex back in the day. And I've only been in one relationship that you could actually call a relationship. But after high school, I had a dry spell that lasted about nine years. So I can see both sides of it.
  15. That's what I call a brouhoohahaha.
  16. I'm a WWE guy through and through.
  17. I haven't listening to much rap at all lately, including yours. But some of your old stuff was pretty good, I guess.
  18. Yeah, it stinks.
  19. Which is a very casual way of saying I have diarrhea.
  20. I'm an elbow man. I love it when the ladies show me their wenis.
  21. Phillies can wear a wig. It's all pink in the dark anyway.
  22. I'm into it. As long as the dogs don't actually get involved. Even a disgusting pig like me has standards, y'know.
  23. I dunno, Martha feels like a cool aunt. Like she comes into town every so often, cooks, she's really cool, that kinda thing. Rachael Ray is more like a middle-aged DTF cougar. She probably incorporates food into the bedroom and shit like that. I'm willing to bet Rachael likes having honey poured on her and licked off. Stop looking at me like that.
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