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Everything posted by Skiles

  1. Sorry about that, I just got a little excited.
  2. Where did you get this picture of me?
  3. Sacre bleu! Shut your mouth, American swine!
  4. Ooohhhhh, now I get it... You're just crazy. I'll go ahead and disengage now kthx.
  5. I know. People are often shocked and dismayed by how small I am. People stare. Sometimes they throw things. Mothers shield their children's eyes as they pass.
  6. I mean, I have no idea how this pertains to any of the discussion in this thread, but... Y'know, God bless.
  7. 5'1"
  8. I would rather die young from cardiac arrest or slow poisoning from all the God-knows-what that's in processed food, than live to be an old person and spend those years researching where the fuck my chicken lived before it ended up on my plate.
  9. Oh, I'll take in your iron, alright.
  10. Fun fact: My rainbow tastes like pennies. I should see a doctor, I think.
  11. It was actually a story on ABC News, presumably because of the sheer panic from the public not knowing what to do with themselves.
  12. I'm reporting this post to Facebook.
  14. I want my God damn royalties.
  15. Then you are well-acquainted with the wonderful area that is downtown. Specifically in front of the main library.
  16. I live in Nebraska. I'm fluent in the language.
  17. And by "to paradise," I really just mean "for speeding."
  18. We already knew about Zeni.
  19. That's what they tell me.
  20. Michael Bolton has three daughters.
  21. shut up congratulations you piece of shit i love you <3
  22. What? Is this not the place for dank memes and catchy hashtags?
  23. Congratulations are certainly in order! If you don't mind me asking, where the hell was that thing?
  24. Dude, did you break your penis? Again?
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