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Everything posted by Skiles

  1. That's definitely true. The thing I will say about the whole witch hunt thing, and changing rules because players or teams are too good, is that it's happened before Badell, and it will happen after. That doesn't make me hate it any less, though,
  2. That show isn't about being cured of your gayness, Zeni.
  3. Because pursuing your dreams is a lot more fucking fun than sitting at a desk job or working in retail. If I'm gonna barely get by, I'd sure as fuck rather barely get by doing something I actually want to do. Take the shot, do shit you wanna do. Or don't. Keep sitting in the corner and being afraid to take the shot. Keep working jobs you hate. Keep waking up with no sense of purpose. If you can't motivate yourself, I'm just spitting into the wind at this point.
  4. That is such an extremely negative way to view it, though. It's not like Ric can't learn shit anymore, or Phillies is 30 so he's incapable of learning. You die whenever it is you die. In the meantime, go do the thing. ALWAYS DO THE THING.
  5. No words, only actions! Go do the thing!
  6. Right, but they had to start. I'm just trying to get a motherfucker to start. Fuck where they might or might not end up and when, they won't get anywhere if they don't start.
  7. Then what are you waiting for, stupid? You got one foot in the grave already, go have fun!
  8. As mentioned before, Rodney Dangerfield. Didn't get his big break until he was 46. Made himself a legend. Talk all the shit you want about Michael Bolton. That guy didn't have a hit until he was 34, and he's since sold 65 million records. J.K. Rowling was 32 when she wrote Harry Potter. Alan Rickman didn't star in a movie until he was 46. Samuel L. Jackson was a social worker until he said "Fuck it, I'm gonna be an actor," and at age 45, he broke out with his role in Pulp Fiction. Morgan Freeman's first big movie role came when he was 52. Should I keep going? Or are you gonna get off your ass and pursue your God damn dreams?
  9. It's funny, I never put any stock into the whole dream interpretation thing. I always thought it was total bullshit. But the more I talk to people who study the mind for a living, the more it seems like dreams are definitely a window into the subconscious. Which explains why my dreams are so insane.
  10. Natty Light, you'll be alright. Natty Ice, you'll fall down twice. I just came up with that, and you can tell.
  11. GOT EEM
  12. I think Freud said that was about being sexually repressed. I've talked to a therapist about it, and he said it was a pretty common thing for people with anxiety.
  13. Only time will tell.
  14. This is by far the strangest question that I've immediately had an answer for. The answer is that I too can go a full 360 degrees when flaccid.
  15. God bless. Gah bless. Gob less.
  16. I used to. Maybe it's the fancy medication I'm on, but that shit stopped.
  17. You dont knwo my liffe! :brownbottle:
  18. Yeah, no, I think you're stuck where you are at this stage in your life.
  19. I have dreams all the time where I'm killing people or being killed. Usually the other person involved is someone I know and/or love, too. It's either that, or innocuous random bullshit. Eeeeeevery so often I get a sweet sex dream, but not often anymore.
  20. I'm a Packers fan, actually. But I do appreciate Eli and the boys doing God's work out there. :420: :brownbottle:
  21. What kind of gross nerds are playing this shit competitively? What a bunch of dweebs. Get with the cool kids and stick to the campaign like a man.
  22. It's too late for you.
  23. But with 1.5 stab damage, Cloyster's Aurora Beam deals a near-equivalent amount of damage to Ice Beam's base attack. So what I like to do is let Cloyster keep Aurora Beam and give Ice Beam to another Pokemon like Gyarados. So that way with the stab damage Aurora gets with Cloyster, and the sheer power of Ice Beam regardless of who has it, I now have two great ice attacks with a total of 30 PP, instead of one crazy ice attack with just 10 PP. PP is is also a key factor, you know.
  24. It's for the loser, it's not supposed to be appealing.
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