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Everything posted by garbagepailcat

  1. Everything in this thread is amazing. Is that first one of Brody Dalle?
  2. I deactivated my Facebook five years ago and haven't looked back. Highly recommend it.
  3. Apparently! I'm a lube novice. I'm sticking with coconut oil from now on.
  4. I don't post a lot, but I like lurking here. I don't know shit about forum software, but if it's in our best interest, I'd be willing to donate to the cause.
  5. You've got it covered.
  6. You're not wrong.
  7. Yes and some of them light up as well. Wild stuff.
  8. It tastes like a melted creamsicle and cum.
  9. Did you know that such a thing exists? I didn't until today. This is news. Thanks.
  10. This is relatable. I have some Trojan chain reaction lube that I got for shits and gigs. It gets warm and tingles, like a softened icy hot feeling, and I enjoy it. The other night, however, I was trying to do buttstuff, and I swear to god it was like having a red hot coal fisted up my asshole. I rinsed and rinsed, but it was internal. It was a burn deep within my asshole.
  11. This is my pup. Gaze upon her.
  12. I know very, very little about my mother's side of the family. Both of my maternal grandparents came from very poor families, so there aren't any records to find out where they came from. The family says that my great-grandmother was a Cherokee from NC, but everyone in the south says that so idk how credible it is. My father's family has pretty solid records. They were Scots-Irish immigrants in the 1600s and 1700s who married other Scots-Irish immigrants and a few Native Americans. So pretty far back from what I know.
  13. I already have high-arched eyebrows and squinty eyes caused by poor vision that lend me a natural scowling appearance, which slightly differs from the common resting bitch face, but it doesn't seem to be enough to keep everyone away. I want people to see me and be scared. How do you intimidate people?
  14. I'm not new to the game. I just don't have a steady connection right now.
  15. And start thinking about all those bowls you bailed on early cause you're too good for cashed hits.
  16. One time I mixed a Surge with a lime Red Bull and called it Slime Time Thrive.
  17. Yes!!! This shit drives me crazy. A couple months ago I was hungover at Waffle House, and the waitress snatched my arm up, told me I didn't look old enough to have so many tattoos, and proceeded to rub my tattoos like she could read them like fucking braille. I wanted to scream.
  18. My best friend and I are having a girls day to distract us from the lack of stable male companionship in our lives. We're going to exchange gifts, get tattoos, and eat sushi.
  19. I wish I could tell you in words how pale and sensitive skinned I am. It really is good advice, swear.
  20. Why are you taking Benadryl if you have xanax? Don't be such a lush.
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