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Everything posted by garbagepailcat

  1. My favorite album is the second stage turbine blade, but good apollo volume 1 is definitely a close second. I don't actively dislike any of their music though, even the new stuff. I'm a huge fan of the variation in their sound, and I personally favor acoustic/emo and pop punk in general. I wouldn't say that they have fallen away from their roots necessarily. Some of their earlier stuff is really melodic and soft. Like the prize fighter inferno stuff.
  2. https://youtu.be/W56U7Ut7p-Y
  3. garbagepailcat


    Gator is fucking delicious. It's like fish flavored chicken. Everyone says that, but it's true.
  4. Coconut oil is your friend.
  5. Songs that make you want to dance.
  6. This seems like the appropriate place to make this thread. Idk if anyone here is a fan of coheed and cambria, but I thought it might be worth mentioning, just in case. http://www.coheedandcambria.com I'm going to go see them in May. Claudio Sanchez is kind of a god so...
  7. lords of misrule is such a good smell!
  8. Thanks for providing this message board, decorating it for Christmas, and making it feel like a mostly welcoming place to be. Holidays are hard, but at least this place and you people provide some sense of community. I really do appreciate it. I hope all of yall have a good Christmas.
  9. My favorite uncle is dying of lung cancer, but he still smokes. Let that sink in.
  10. that honestly sounds like a better time than drinking anyway cause Christmas naps are nice. one time when I was a teen, i didn't have a good understanding of how my body handled drugs, and I completely blacked out from taking like 12 klonopins.
  11. I got sad drunk last night, woke up still kind of drunk, now I have to shower so I don't smell like liquor at the family gathering. Merry Christmas!
  12. im never going to live the sad life of a drunk that I want to.
  13. the smell of whiskey makes me puke. I Pavloved myself. I probably should expand my alcohol horizons past rum though.
  14. i was drinking spiced rum chased with dr. Pepper. I don't like mixed drinks cause of the extra liquid.
  15. can an average person buy a tank?
  16. i have no clue what either of those things are.
  17. yeah, I just don't drink regularly enough to get used to it.
  18. i am and I am. I can bitch about it if I want tho~
  19. meh. That's one of those things that people have figure out for themselves. Most people are disappointments. Don't put too much focus on it.
  20. like what?
  21. yeah, that's what I do now. I didn't know then, and I ruined whiskey forever.
  22. man, I used to literally fucking chug liquor in high school, but I haven't drank much in like 7 years. I've lost my abilities to 1. handle the taste and 2. hold my liquor.
  23. I'll try this the next shot. I think I'm already drunk enough that it's starting to taste better though. So that's a plus.
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