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Everything posted by NaBarney

  1. That's an old-old school asmb user named Iowa Cubs Fan, I am pretty sure
  2. Rating some dome
  3. Cacturne
  4. it ghorstek day ?
  5. NaBarney


    A too many of cats
  6. Fact thread gang
  7. This guy man https://www.sfgate.com/news/article/Critics-pounce-on-James-Harden-for-wearing-a-Thin-15415126.php
  8. Except this year it's real
  9. *checks my About Me section which I haven't updated since creating this account* Ahah, that's pretty good Man I could even barely find my own, no idea where to go about looking for anyone else's. Are they even visible to the public? Could only view mine by going to edit profile
  10. Yeah I'm pretty sure mostly anything goes you just have to spoiler tag any pic that's NSFW but otherwise it's fine. Like this
  11. Hangman or bust
  12. An animal _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Guess a letter.
  13. I would like to be named Barney, pleasey.
  14. Yo! Sorry for the necrobumping but I had to give a shout out to this unexpected ownage of Cringuy in the toonami folder.
  15. She messed you up huh
  16. Should've went to Macy's https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-xUP6NWGVgc
  17. I do all of my reading by listening to podcasts
  18. Someone who stopped posting before you started. Only reason I know he's an asmber is bc I added him on Myspace and later Facebook back in the 00s and some years later we ended up living in the same town knowing the same people and so got to meet face to face. And then for the past couple yrs we've been coworkers
  19. Wow, your appearance has changed a lot from what I remember from the IB times
  20. What's active time/dash time? Dash time when you're just sitting in your car in a parking lot waiting on an order to come thru? I'm trying to calculate what you would have made per hour without tips.
  21. I'm been telling him, I mean I'm right there (hours away)
  22. "Covid and Chicken"
  23. I hate going anywhere near Nashville but if ur totin mushies then I can come thru, why are you goin there?
  24. Still sitting at just 1 here and it's a dude I work with
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