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Everything posted by NaBarney

  1. Yes but not because of the vastness of space as much as the infinity of time https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_the_far_future
  2. So now that I'm all caught up on past episodes, who is everyone's favorite talent on the roster? For me it's gotta be OC of course, but I also really like Evil Uno and Stu Grayson along with the Lucha Bros and Proud & Powerful, basically the entire tag team division, and I really hope they do something with the legend Christopher Daniels at some point. His feuds with the Dark Order and the Luchas kinda fizzled out once covid hit and he's basically disappeared unless I've been missing him on Dark, which I don't watch because it's basically all jobbers/squashes. PAC was awesome but he's been stuck in a castle because of the virus which is a letdown since that Death Triangle seemed promising even though there's about a hundred stables and trios already. I've been liking the slow burn heel turns for Cody and Page, wondering how Cody will cheat to beat Scorpio Sky this week. In the women's division my favs are Penelope Ford and Emi Sakura (sadly MIA). I like Shida but pretty bored of her dominance by now. Nyla Rose is cool except when she talks, but that shouldn't be too much of an issue anymore. I was laughing pretty good when Vickie came out to that Eh-Eh-Eh-Eh-Eh entrance music as her new manager. Only things I don't like - the Britt Baker roll model stuff (is she legit hurt? wtf is going on it's been like six months) and absolutely anything Matt Hardy does (except when he bled profusely, that was cool but was all on Sammy.) I wasn't a fan of Jurassic Express but I'm coming around on them. Also where the hell is Jack Evans?? Edit: Forgot to mention MJF. Absolute legend shit, this guy should be on every week. I thought he would be the one to take Cody's title, but that doesn't seem too likely anymore.
  3. That's nice my little penisuckle
  4. I'm sorry you have abandonment issues baby
  5. They didn't select contactless delivery, smh...
  6. Are you imminently moving to Vegas? Seems like a strange place to live, in a pretty good way
  7. Shortly after making the request I decided I didn't want a name change after all and the appropriate mods and admins were made aware of that development, sorry you don't get cc'd on all intramod communication, my adoring fan. Thanks for watching
  8. Ya never linked it not once
  9. Can my name please be Boats
  10. Since they merged the other one with some unrelated programming into a catch all thread I'm just going to make this one the official place for all AEW discussion. Now then. @Seight I know you liked that OC debate
  11. Dunbar fires is bad and not good even.
  12. Ugh I'm sorry, shit sucks.
  13. Are you certain? Is there really no chance of the pizzaman hookup? I was liking the vibe before this...
  14. I woke up to a new bukkake
  15. Only one pig in there
  16. I'm slightly peeking, had just woken up
  17. Essentially working
  18. #1 right here, what up
  19. All my haters are so obsessed with me
  20. Zeni isn't on the boards anymore, he's a youtuber now
  21. That One Guy, most definitely
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