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Everything posted by NaBarney

  1. Wonder how Harden is going to top tonight's 2-11 FG, more FTs than the entire Lakers team performance in the elimination game. Maybe treat us to double digits turnovers?
  2. This is getting bumped on November 1 https://unevenedge.com/topic/34420-ok-its-november-now/
  3. I just wish they could put it anywhere else on the board, ya know? Really fucks me up when I try to click where I think a noise folder is supposed to be and wind up in the one above it.
  4. Yeah, no idea who this person is. I guess the name is slightly familiar? Not sure, sounds like a whole weird situation
  5. The single most insane way to browse this site
  6. He should be forced by forum law to respond to Pat's post.
  7. And ghosts aren't real. A child-like concept
  8. Savannah is dogshit
  9. These shits ruled. Like a marginally edgier Goosebumps (with a lot of concepts seemingly lifted straight from the RL Stine books) but there was some original good shit too. Baby Face and the Killer Mob, a kid joins the mafia...
  10. Can someone please just tell me, will there, or will there not, be a season 8 on adult swim? Because it sounds like no.
  11. Strictly between post-90s created original characters? Is it Shrek vs the gregarious shark from Nemo??? Or maybe Static Shock vs Rick from TWD
  12. NaBarney

    I'm done

    I think he just posted too much and trolled his own self off the board? Not really sure, haven't clicked on most of the threads
  13. Harden with the classic no show up until that block at the last two seconds which took another thirty minutes to play out
  14. Truly insane shit
  15. Those were both such garbage fouls to end the game with. Dragic did nothing wrong at all and the Giannis nothing foul after time expired is the soft of thing they're supposed to ignore, but I guess they didn't want to rob the Heat of a game they should've had won when they were up 6 with half a minute to play & have them lose a playoff game in what would have been the most ridiculous fashion maybe ever all things considered starting from the Jimmy lob at his own basket onward.
  16. He's always running a little too wild and out of control in clutch moments like that, gets frantic.
  17. Jimmy lobbed it to Brook Lopez lmao, refs felt bad for him so they gave him the game. Simple as that
  18. I know Kevin Durant was watching that game full on yelling at the tv like "You see, YOU SEE HOW HE IS??" Nah but Houston would definitely be the better 2nd round opponent, I just really want them to lose tonight bc Rockets and bc winning this series will basically feel like winning a ring to Chris Paul and he deserves that. Especially this year after being exiled to OKC. You're right though, there is nobody for him to guard on the Lakers. Locking down Caruso while AD and LBJ each average 35
  19. So, he is a private mercenary
  20. This the cop?
  21. Westbrook always pulls this shit in big games tho
  22. Lmao at that post game interview with CP on the court where he says "4th quarters, game 7s, some people built for it, some people shy away from it" You know Harden is making the Arthur fist
  23. bossing around like Evil Uno, very cool.
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