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Everything posted by NaBarney

  1. At the end of the Rockets beating the Bucks game with Harden shooting some dagger free throws, canned crowd noise roaring , announcer Mark Jackson says dead serious sounding, said something like "I tell you these virtual fans really showed up for Houston tonight." WHAT
  2. Bakersfield is in California.
  3. Uh I can't just not eat my onions, sorry
  4. Finger Eleven - Paralyzer There was like a year where it seemed this was the biggest song in the world, it was everywhere and I hated it
  5. Clips Lakers **tomorrow**
  6. @jayrider128 hope it's a good one! Ayyy and we get basketball back tomorrow to start your new cycle off right.
  7. This is the line. I might say "howdy, boys" to be fun but NEVER "boy howdy"
  8. Nah idrk anything like that right at this moment, but let me wake up a little bit and think about it.
  9. This is why I hate these dogs so fucking much. They're just like Loud Fear Beasts whose job is to patrol their shitty little yard and bark like absolute vicious killers at anyone or thing they ever see within view of the fence. Like I get drug dealers and such need some security (most generous possible interoretatio of why someone would own one of these) but goddamn, put these fuckers inside now and again, give the rest of the neighborhood a goddamn break because these helldogs don't ever take one.
  10. I hate German shepherds. Awful hell dog
  11. Demonstrate value Instigate conflict possibly for I
  12. A empty 12 pack box that I just use as a dark little fridge cave now to put prouce and such in
  13. I can trade u a perfect one if u want
  14. I gotta acknowledge I do like the idea of having both a psychic and a ghost on the team to do weird stuff, but there's a critical lack of flying birdfriend scout here imo. Umbreon is my favorite eevee and that T Rex is cool so you're mostly set and I guess the ghost can kind of hover around ...
  15. Wingull does seem like a good friend.
  16. *Shakes head* another Gardevoir sicko...
  17. Is that last one even a real Pokemon? Wtf
  18. This one makes me kind of mad
  19. Pick six Pokemon that you get to have as your travel and battle companions in real life https://pokecharms.com/trainercards
  20. Is it a porn movie Starring your dick
  21. Enemies can pay my family for the right to desecrate my corpse, take all the pics they want idc
  22. Hell yeah, some nice work @Alchemy732
  23. He didn't call you a homo. He just said that stupid "no homo" line during one of his long posts
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