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Puppy Power
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Everything posted by scoobdog

  1. That’s so blatantly opportunistic, it hurts. Also, lol at Kanye West’s career not recovering after meeting Trump.
  2. I’d like to make you and Pooh mentors for each team. I’ll be explaining the concept this weekend.
  3. Well, I have an idea if you’re interested….
  4. So, for some reason the boards are broken and won't let me put a poll on my OP. That means we'll have to do this the old fashioned way: If you're interested, post below.
  5. You say that, but.... Trump has something else in mind.
  6. Psh. I’ll bet Dragon Con never had a Westpark.
  7. Love the thread title jerk off. Way to self own.
  8. No, bro. You don’t gatekeep the neurodivergent community. Bad Ghosty,
  9. Because where else are you going to fuck a bad Jessica Rabbit cosplayer?
  10. Even Rush wasn’t this stupid. She’s more Fire Marshall Daniella.
  11. Silly Racist, comedy is for commies.
  12. You're really are committed to being a Karen, aren't you?
  13. Can't you find a nice female bounty hunter to compare yourself to?
  14. You keep comparing yourself to a washed up reality star.
  15. He was always more of a larger than life personality that made a great foil for other comedians. I can't recall the last time I looked at one of his standup sets, though.
  16. It's really hard to not like Sinbad in general. (Is this an unpopular opinion? Does anyone actually remember poor Sinbad?!)
  17. Pushed best raku's head in the mashed potatoes immediately afterward, then asked him how his chode tasted.
  18. And the best part was your bosses would rather your midget ass got burned then spend a $150 getting a fire extinguisher recharged.
  19. That post, right there, is why we do what we do.
  20. "Make way for the Oompa Loompa fire brigade!"
  21. So... a charity now counts as a PR move... I guess paying off disgruntled former employees that don't know how to lift fall under that category as well.
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