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Puppy Power
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Everything posted by scoobdog

  1. Ghosty, what you doin? That's wrong on so many levels.
  2. So you can take your internet with you as you give blow jobs behind the Chinese take-out.
  3. Why can't conservatives meme properly? I mean, its like the easiest thing in the world and they still fuck it up.
  4. No, it actually looks like it happened this time. And, it was before Inaugaration Day too.
  5. Never has a spent cigarette butt led to more enlightenment.
  6. You popular with the Chinese men?
  7. You look like you got kicked out of someone’s tent. What does cost effective PR look like?
  8. Not an answer. What is a cost effective PR move?
  9. It’s no less nonsensical the second time. Try again.
  10. Lol. This post is all kinds of hilarious. i can think of quite a few reasons why a heartless corporation would pay for an unfavorable study and then bury it. I guess that’s why you’re a failed janitor and not a CEO.
  11. Whistleblowers don't usually ask for information, they take it. And, since they're actual Exxon employees, they probably don't need to ask to see information they're already seeing.
  12. That seems like a fairly easy thing to fact check. Maybe you should do that.
  13. Did they hire Luthor Corp to handle their security or something?
  14. This is what we call a lab-grown turkey. Tastes as shitty as the real thing,
  15. Welcome to my life, dude. Fucking hate that.
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