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Puppy Power
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Everything posted by scoobdog

  1. He makes racist dad jokes with the energy only a grown man with a ten year old brain could.
  2. Cool SN , Broheim.
  3. Your workplace is full of fucking prudes, man.
  4. At the very least, it brings up the important discussion of what line is there between an athlete's personal life and his or her on-field performance when it comes to Hall of Fame induction. It's difficult to see how this would impact Rivera's HoF nomination and induction. He's not directly implicated in the predatory actions, so there's no way for the voters to have predicted that he would become involved in this tragedy. The nature of his involvement being oblique, if nonetheless substantial, to the abuse poses issues with retroactively taking the nomination away. All of this is to say that, rather than offer an opportunity to improve the selection process, this event is more likely to establish the frivolousness of the Hall of Fame concept as a whole. Great athletes are still flawed human beings, and lionizing them for their accomplishments inevitably leads to the exposition of these flaws and the resulting backlash that comes with a "sports hero" being discredited as an upstanding person.
  5. Cats are so great.
  6. Now you're getting it. That's what I like to see.
  7. I think the Bills have also benefitted from favorable officiating to a lesser degree, but it's probably not going to mean much. Ultimately, the problem is that the Chiefs have been limping along for an entire season and, even after their lone (meaningful, sorry Broncos) loss to Bills, they didn't noticeably improve offensively. Even with favorable officiating, they haven't been able to have any kind of breakout game, and the playoffs isn't a likely time for one to happen. It's going to come down to defense and they're one bad game away in the part of the season when defenses are most likely to get exposed.
  8. I know this isn't particularly important, but what exactly is the roman salute? As far as I know, it's something Mussolini imagined while jerking off to a Imperial Roman statue, right?
  9. And, we'll never hear of this again once its determined that no one actually lied about Russian interference.
  10. No LEO has been accused of or been shown to have interfered with federal law enforcement. Again, this is performative nonsense being cheered by an entitled white woman.
  11. Said privileged white woman. The lesson being to do the same exact performative nonsense in the first week and then promptly go back to having nothing happen and whining for the next 198 weeks.
  12. Laugh all you want, but there is someone out there who will take her home at the end of the night and show her the love she didn't get
  13. Also, make sure to harvest Musk's seed before you rolling his burning carcass down the street: Westpark needs someone to father down syndrome babies with his lesbian baby mamas on account he's impotent from all that soda.
  14. Necklacing was a nice touch, though maybe a tad bit more violent than vulgar.
  15. I’m sold. PM me so I can out vulgar you.
  16. ¡Feliz Compleaños!
  17. Why hasn’t anyone else appreciated the sublimeness of this post?
  18. Eight years wasn’t apparently enough for anyone to see what the Trumpster does about government fraud…. Or was it?
  19. An expert wouldn’t confuse them.
  20. I’m with tsar because it’s ridiculous that Biden gets blamed for something that stupid voters did.
  21. Happy Birthday, Mewn!
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