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Puppy Power
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Everything posted by scoobdog

  1. This unnecessary sentence at the end of your drivel is a sure sign that you're not self aware enough to know what you're talking about. The things is, Hamas and the Mujihadeen Brigades are butchers and monsters who deserve to be called out for what they are. Israel chose to respond to savagery with its own savagery and that is also unacceptable. The fact you can't see what fascism in your own country looks like easily explains why, instead of making the important distinction between what Palestininan terrorists do and what the IDF is doing, you chose to ignore the latter's deeds. Just because an atrocities by one side can trigger atrocities on the other, doesn't mean either side has any vindication for acting barbarous an inhumane. I would suspect that this delusion you live in has far deeper tendrils than just your trash takes on Trumpism and the Israeli Conflict.
  2. I'll bet your hair looks better too.
  3. I pissed him off that way, once.
  4. You could just sous vide your balls. Might involve waterproof tape and some severe rashes around crotch, but that’s a small price for exquisite flavor.
  5. You would think someone would have come up with a vessel specifically designed to allow men to dip their ball sacs into an icy cool bath comfortably and with dignity….
  6. @wacky1980 - this right here is why having a bunch of Musk kids looking at your bank info is a recipe for disaster.
  7. I don’t know what drama you got working @Insipid, so I’ll leave you to it.
  8. If there’s a pardon, you can bet Musk will be asked to pay handsomely for it.
  9. You aren’t a f****** a******. This isn’t really analogous to those two either, but it is analogous to the studio system of the ‘30s through the early ‘60s, the Golden Age of Hollywood. A great deal of the movies that we consider iconic now were the product of a one sided system where studio bosses held absolute power.
  10. Because it’s not always as simple as losing your job. In theory, there’s no difference between resigning, getting laid off, or getting fired for cause - you’re still without a job, and in none of the options does your employer have to explain to the public why you are out. Each option however comes with different rights or lack thereof. In particular people who resign retain rights to things like government pensions or legacy health care benefits, based on what they’ve accrued. They also have the first opportunity to control the message around their leaving a job as opposed to the employer having that opportunity when firing an employee. Its about control over the process beyond the end result.
  11. Happy Valentine’s Day to u2
  12. You remember that place you guys had dinner at in Long Beach? Well, there’s a concreted in river on the perimeter of the property behind a WalMart. About a 3/4 mile south, that river meets with another one. All of it is more than big enough for a 100 year flood, but the area is still low lying so we technically are in a flood zone.
  13. I think like was being said, at some point only people who have nothing to lose will be willing to stick their necks out for a lame duck administration, so resigning is more about protecting one’s own future prospects than it is about stopping the inevitable lawlessness.
  14. Is the real Mr Carswell.
  15. Yeah, it’s a female empowered response to the decidedly heteronormative biased Valentines Day. 4-H used to celebrate it here, I think - it’s a great idea for a holiday given how toxic masculinity has kind of corrupted the spirit of the original.
  16. That's fucking beautiful.
  17. I imagine he’s taking a page out of Musk’s playbook. It’s the newest iteration of putting on glasses so you don’t get decked,
  18. I wasn't sure if the Super Bowl ad he put up was legit or not. Something about him spending too much on a grill so he couldn't afford a longer ad. It was too bland to be a parody, but it was creepy enough to be vintage Kanye.
  19. You look as amazing as ever.
  20. He did lose his wife in a car crash.
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