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Puppy Power
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Everything posted by scoobdog

  1. Why does that look so familiar......?
  2. I kind of remember that. I have a hard time believe Sawdy didn't know what the line was - he did post the "bundle of sticks" thing expressly to rile up Sandy, and promptly got me indirectly caught in the crossfire. Sandy already had my number for some reason and that put gasoline on the fire.
  3. That makes the most sense to me. It doesn't look like either KC's or Philly's colors.
  4. I think he was real. He was severely bipolar, but that wasn’t much of a factor in his not so subtle racism. He eventually got banned because he did stuff like call Fuggs the n word while he was claiming to be her fan.
  5. How so? I don’t doubt it, but I cant recall any specific error that prolonged the war on the part of the administration.
  6. Oh, I’ve seen that before. It’s definitely not fair, but as long as the offensive reciever is touching the ball when it’s downed, the defense is screwed.
  7. I think I stepped away from the tv for that. Point taken.
  8. I will say the refs haven’t really been a factor. The spots haven’t been particularly great, but certainly not egregious or obvious.
  9. I imagine the recyclability of the rolling dumpsters is fairly low.
  10. Oh, yeah. Phillies was definitely four. I’ll take your word for the other two because I didn’t witness them first hand.
  11. I’m extending this at least one week, because we’re not getting much interest.
  12. Several posters? We all know Bucket did, and I think Dane did too. Edit… I’m pretty sure Musket did too. That’s like 3, right?
  13. No, I think they’ll just be happy to sell the debt to particular aggressive sub prime lenders who will, in turn, squeeze the proverbial turnip, repackage the debt, and sell it again. The thing is, X debt is for all intents and purposes Tesla debt. Most everyone in the financial sector knows the Tesla debt is dangerously close to toxicity - they’re on the decline for marketshare, X is siphoning of capital that would delay the effects of that decline, and Space X isn’t ever going to have enough profit to bail Tesla out. Repackaging the X debt is also a way to diversify the Tesla debt. Under no circumstances does any bank want to be saddled with Tesla and SpaceX.
  14. They were always going to send the plane. Being gay and gullible makes you an especially vulnerable target.
  15. Happens to me too. It's pronounced during LaNina seasons because the air is so dry especially in winds that come off the backside of a low.
  16. Exactly. He's teaching a class at the university right now, so the triangle is technically complete.
  17. And, he's only a few hours away from his other job at USC.
  18. I'm still good, but years of computer use have affected my ability to focus close and far.
  19. Stole all the balloons and replaced them with condoms.
  20. This feels like playing with a loaded gun, just so you know.
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