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Everything posted by molarbear

  1. For me it was just one of those "HOW DARE MY LURKING BE DENIED!" moments. Nah, I figured they were just doing some work.
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGT6YeEz1DA
  3. Nah, I enjoy seasons and love snow (if and when it happens) cold weather is awesome! you can always crank up the heat or add clothing, when it's 110 outside and your A/C is struggling just to keep it 73... that's a shit time.
  4. you signed the contract, you should have read the fine print.
  5. I know, what you people don't know is I thrive off it.
  6. You've clearly never heard of Team IB
  7. any type of bacon... and whatever brand Braums sells.
  8. .......... you knew what it was
  9. I think that's just the current state of the boards. It doesn't seem like a lot of people made the 2nd pilgrimage.
  10. I can't do it, I can't sleep without spreading out. I got stuck in DFW in June overnight due to storms, it was really hot in the airport and they had run out of cots by the time our flight landed. The worst part is I had stayed up the previous night so I could sleep through the flight to Boston. I was tempted to just lie down on the carpet but it was filthy.
  11. I always make exceptions to games I've refused to purchase if they're heavily discounted. I bought FF XIII for $15, I still regret it to this day.
  12. I hope all the bears stay safe.
  13. Look at the bright side, at least you get some gold.
  14. Fap, you crazy bastard... fap until your thing looks like a piece of leather. Follow that with a metric shit ton of sleep. Booze is always recommended, but optional.
  15. My Dad was stationed there for awhile I'm pretty sure my Brother was conceived there too
  16. I fall into that small percentile of the population that hates eggnog, even with booze in it.
  17. Hey! At least they're going to a bowl game.
  18. That ^ is why I joined the boards in the first place.
  19. That made me do a spit take so epic that if Stephen Spielberg were walking by he'd say something along the lines of " I'll pay you $15,000,000 to be in my next movie just for that." Unfortunately it can never be emulated again because it was used on your post.
  20. Is the Scimitar scaled to the size of said little person? I'd probably be terrified at first, then I'd take a picture in the ample time I had due to their short stride length and send it to my friend who is terrified of little people.... then I'd casually walk away.
  21. Uh... I'm sorry, are you kidding me? Early 2000's featured this Soundumentary where a Caucasian kid beat Shaq in basketball. -drops mic
  22. I have a desktop so I don't have to worry about it. I do worry about my phone sometimes though.
  23. Because I enjoy not dying/being crippled by Polio, and I can order food on the internet and not have to deal with people.
  24. Life hacks!
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