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Everything posted by molarbear

  1. YES! (why is the capital "S" larger than the other letters?) The box crashed into my brother and knocked him off the ladder. He fell like less than foot and acted like I attempted to murder him.
  2. I was in the Attic crouching awkwardly, trying to not fall through the ceiling.
  3. I went to the Urgent Care place I was in and out in like 20 mins tops.
  4. Christmas lights? Let's talk about the blinding effects of those LED headlights
  5. did he get hypothermia while shoveling snow in the driveway?
  6. I didn't high five a nail. The nailed scratched/gouged the top of my hand while I was trying to keep the box from sliding too fast down the ladder.
  7. Turns into "FUCK I HIT MY HAND ON A DAMN NAIL!" Then an Urgent Care trip for a Tetanus shot Then you find out your insurance doesn't cover a Tetanus booster At least I got a SpongeBob band aid
  8. To quote Schmidt from " The New Girl" "Bee's are dying, all movies are remakes these days, and my penis is broke, don't pretend you know my pain." I literally LOL everytime i hear/see that quote posted on a 'best of quotes" list or a meme.
  9. Impossible, mine was made by Disney.
  10. I'm lost on Planet on the Apes at this point, I feel like there have been numerous reboots or possible sequels.... I don't know and I'm too afraid to ask at this point. I'm waiting for the Dark Tower trailer, it's not sounding promising at this point tbh, but I'm still holding out hope for it.
  11. Sad to see all these Great people in American History dying off, John Glenn, Gene Wilder, Muhammad Ali, Harambe. :'(
  12. That's always a good thing!
  13. bruh, you gotta at least get a Christmas tree scented candle.
  15. it's one of the best parts about Christmas time.
  16. try to get some water and electrolytes in you and see if that helps.
  17. keep fapping, time marches on
  18. at least they're bed bugs and not murder bugs
  19. LIES!!!! *WHY IS THE CAPITAL S BIGGER THAN THE REST OF THE LETTERS? My late Pupper was part Retriever and they're escape artists! She'd dig tunnels the VC would be proud of to escape my backyard and wait for me where I parked my car when I got home from High School.
  20. it's a pupper bruh, it's moved on from puppy status and is now conniving and super smart. Now it's too smart for it's own good and up to shenanigans for the next 6-7 years before it settles down.
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