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Everything posted by molarbear

  1. ...>.> I feel like that may have worked better in hindsight
  2. Welcome all to Molarbear's "Golden Banana Sticker Day" celebration! What does this day include? It's fairly simple, every citizen of the world is sent a package of golden stickers they are allowed to give out at the local petting zoos established in every city....everywhere (don't ask how on the logistics, you don't question Santa or the Easter Bunny just admire the hedgehog and remember, this is a day I made.. so there's a giant field full of pups that are just prancing around waiting to play) Later on when the younger crowds have had their fill the adult activities begin... The yearly "Try to out party Mr. Ed in his prime" challenge. Yes, this horse many of us grew up watching at our grandparents house did not die from horsey old age like you were lead to believe. This Horse had a 15 hooker, 3 8-ball, hot tub full of grey horse (grey goose use to have a different animal!) brunch habit that he chased away in his later years with horrid Ivermectin habit, and now you too can try to live like Mr. Ed for a night (horse banana not included) Finally once everyone is good and out of their damn minds we all join a group of baby seals to Hail Zorp the Surveyor! He's a 28 foot tall lizard dude who is suppose to bring about the world's end, but I think they have some kind of deal worked out with him where he just avenges all the seals that those european peeps still club, by setting them ablaze (seal snoot boops are heavily encouraged, even when their eyes start glowing red mid seance) After that everyone magically has banana pudding show up in their fridge...because I'm high and it sounds fucking delicious -end submission
  3. Which version had Billy Piper? This was the only season of Dr Who I ever caught any episodes of...
  4. dusting because I can move everything and thoroughly clean only to have it coated in dust a couple days later Making the Bed Fuck the fitted sheets
  5. This is very true, you should all send me whatever you have so I can flush it properly Maybe it's like those people that see Hey Zeus in toast?
  6. Can you convert that to Cubits for me?
  8. *Ear Lobe Left one Get some glasses if you don't have any, accidentally smudge them a few times because you forget you're wearing them and your face itches, and then take another look around 11ish at night She's totally there
  9. Scoob has eyes? I never made it past his ear lobe that looked like Helen Mirren
  10. how long do I gotta wait?
  11. ? There's still quite a few of those around
  12. I dunno They haven't responded since I made this thread @Raptorpat did you try to hold tiny Lt Dancer a little too close(r)?
  13. Scoob has the face of an angel
  14. No shit? Someone walk me through how to buy Raptor currency
  15. ....I notice "Licking a 9 volt battery to check if it's still got juice" is not on this list I can continue to live freely
  16. I knew it cared too much about my broken penis
  17. but someone named @Raptorpat keeps pm'ing me promising to fix all my back problems by replacing my spine with his "Thorny Raptor Tail" for 30 easy payments of $11.99
  18. I give up on people ever learning how to drive in way that doesn't put everyone on the road at risk DO NOT FUCKING STOP ON A HIGHWAY BECAUSE YOU MISSED YOUR EXIT... ESPECIALLY IF YOU'RE 3 LANES OVER FROM SAID EXIT I hope a horse takes a shit on this lady
  19. Let me break it down for you with some TOS logic homie Vamps can turn humans but not WW. The WW can't turn anyone, it just murdilates the poop out of stuff and all the turning stuff is made up *elephant sparkles
  20. molarbear


    The day is upon us I joke about this frequently, but with rising sea levels I honestly think they're starting to see humans as a 4th meal
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