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Everything posted by molarbear

  1. "Alright, we have 57 seconds and we're starting at the 25.... this is completely manageable" ....2 plays later
  2. in other news Air Force beat Baylor! Turns out....the NIL doesn't affect Military Academies
  3. Commendable.... but major booty still wins
  5. My plan is to fortify the area around my nesting spot with blankets, after that I will set out to find you so I can use your head to kindle the first flame and bring warmth back to the land
  6. Happy Birthday! I had a shitty paint image I made but it didn't save and I'm a little too high to remember wtf I drew atm
  7. https://newatlas.com/medical/base-editing-gene-therapy-first-patient-success-trial Been some really cool science news in the last few days
  8. I picked the absolute worst time to stumble on this "He'll be like Warner and be relevant again when he's old, we're going to bet on this!" -Jets Flacco ".............................is Gary Busey yelling at anyone else?" -Jets -pooh watching the Jets season after their most promising start in eons
  9. DUUUde that weird extra time they add for injuries and shit so you never actually know when it ends? When can I pee?
  10. https://www.espn.com/college-football/story/_/id/24866357/the-untold-1999-texas-oklahoma-story-mike-leach-fake-play-script This is my favorite To the man that gave us the Air Raid Offense....probably not on purpose He probably got bored watching football one weekend and after being rejected by the officiating committee repeatedly to have the rules changed to allow a lateral pass that traverses space and time count as an 11 1/8 point play and said "Well fine... I'm just going to make as many fucking people as possible eligible receivers, on every play....from this point on."
  11. Anytime you get some new blood in the locker room it can pump people up, I wouldn't call it a false rush of enthusiasm so much as a glimmer of hope on an otherwise bleak season They got a new signal caller who isn't a bad player (dude led the Browns to the playoffs)
  12. I wouldn't have caught it if my Dad hadn't told me
  13. What's sad is TNF gave us one of greatest comebacks of the season tonight and no one saw it....because it was TNF
  14. One of them disappeared, one died and another asked to eat them, then that one died when they ate the dead person, and they're all still upset about having to poop in the woods everything is peachy scoob
  15. It only took 36 years of swimming in some of the most vile waters of the Arkansas River you could imagine for my first mutant power to show up but seriously........when the fuck do the eye lasers kick in?
  16. Nope I started a cult
  17. just gonna leave this here
  18. I hung out with my family, ate some food, started a cult (running one is not as easy as it looks) A+++++++ dude
  19. DBZ was telling me about this Did Mizzou get so caught up in SEC money they forgot they've been terrible since they left the Big XII? Or is it more "This season was bad enough, we're not taking an L to Kansas in a bowl game"?
  20. Thanks! You guys can have some cake I may have licked some of the icing >.>
  21. I thought that was literally why the playoffs started?
  22. oh lord nb4 non power 5 teams still don't make the playoffs
  23. Actual picture of Odin conveniently painting his steam deck with a hammer upon the announcement of SF on steam deck
  24. well At least the Sooners still got a dude named General Booty
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