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Everything posted by molarbear

  1. Who's to say I don't have an ace up my sleeve? Yeah....... That's right I've been Vela this whole tiiiiime *fake mustache twirl Oh.. those videos? Easy, I just used makeup and some ridiculously good camera angles to make myself appear completely different 100000000% worth the 8 unsolicited dick pics I've received
  2. ..... @The_annoying_one make direct eye contact
  3. After teasing a few times for just over 100 games.... The Cubs are above .500 again ...and people on reddit are comparing the Braves 2021 team to this team saying the Cubs have better numbers and should really buy, and I'm over here thinking of all the potential times before 2016 the Cubs had some flash
  4. *Stretches neck really fucking far and stops eating leafs definitely Bee's, I was just born the same year Chernobyl happened This is why Central should be the Universal time zone for games/meetings/bidnaz/ and uemb
  5. We throwing down at a 90's Mcduck's playground I was currently there auditioning for a role in the upcoming star trek, grey's anatomy, walking dead super mix where everyone dies in the first 10 seconds and you slowly over the course of 5 years develop a need to order charmin anytime you hear church bells I feel no further need to explain how my weapon of choice is going to end the world Janitor rebellion -end speech
  6. Question @scoobdog Does the site we pick for the venue have to be SFW?
  7. ELEMENTARY BROTENDO First one of them to build a banana fire wins ...also I forgot to vote, I gotta set my dings up
  8. Whoever hired the assassin... they failed Cheap ass tried to take me out via toe crushing death by rigging the bottle of body wash to fall
      • 3
      • Haha
  9. No, I wanted to hover. (Although hover guinea is now on my wishlist) As in "not fly, but hover" Why molarbear? I don't like heights, but I also hate traffic and generally other people on the road That, and when people were like "OH WELL, BLAH BLAH YOU CAN'T FLY!" I could just hover away to further prove how awesome hovering is
  10. Someone had to be the guinea pig ..I was hoping to gain the ability to hover
  11. We know what you're really using all that spare money for
  12. Chills All the bad side effects of zoloft in a pill Yo.. we could sell this shit instant boner killing pills for when you get those "awkward" moments Carrying your Great Aunt's casket down the aisle front row and a random breeze blows against your pants? Never worry again when you take your Chills
  13. To the great Feline of the Eastern lands!!!!!!!
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