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Everything posted by molarbear

  1. I could go for some deer chili right about now.
  2. I don't think he's a scumbag. For the record! Watch the slow-mo replay. Rodgers tried to stiff arm, a move not well practiced by QB's. I won't deny hands to the facemask, but A QB stiff arming someone is a like a mouse trying to fly. Penalty accepted! But, if you watch it, his thumb got stuck in the dude's facemask. He used his index and middle finger ride it out. Dude's helmet luckily came off. Instead of 3 broke fingers, Rodgers came out ok, dude came out fine, and all was well! Ole dude got mouthy about it, got a simple shoulder check from Rodgers, and then flopped like soccer player.
  3. I actually think about this pretty often, it's tie between my own private island or getting 300 acres with a house on it right outside of a large town that was still within reach of high speed internet. I figure knowing my friends and how most of them like to live above their affordable lifestyle the private island thing wouldn't work out cause those fuckers would never visit. On the plus side, there's no traffic, and, I could adopt 30 dogs and have my own private island with 30 dogs running around. The 300 acres and a house right outside of a large town though.... If I get bored I could drive 10 minutes into town, and, my friends would probably be more than willing to make that trip. I imagine the internet thing would be easier to deal with than on a private island. I could probably still get the 30 dogs too, only people would see I owned 30 dogs and call me a "crazy dog dude at that point" which is when I'd use the Cesar Millan esque skills I've developed from living around 30 dogs and telepathically tell them to attack said person. I imagine at that point the dogs will proceed to ignore me, charge forward, and affectionately lick said person making their day 100x better.
  4. It was pretty hard to watch,but, I'm proud of them for making it as far as they did after the way their season started. That and they knocked Dallas out of the playoffs so... I'm pretty happy.
  5. I use Firefox and my outline is Final Fantasy 1 boss battles I dunno how to post it, so take my word on it that it's not a bunch of boobs.
  6. I really enjoyed the later books, I didn't agree with the ending per say but, it was fun ride. Technically the way it ended is why they're taking creative choices with the movie. I'll have to check out Insomnia though, I think you mentioned it back when DBZ4ever was doing the Dragonball marathon.
  7. To each their own. I'll even admit that in The Gunslinger my thoughts were "Dafuq?" Eventually it's all explained as you get further in the series.
  8. Are they still making episodes?
  9. That actually looks kinda cool
  10. I always liked Wild and Crazy kids.... and Salute Your Shorts
  11. Those are ballads! the first is my party ballad, the 2nd is my zone out ballad, the third speaks to the Red NWO, they ended Goldberg's streak and that was the downfall of the WCW! If that's not noteworthy, I dunno what is.
  12. Because I love history, this song gets me everytime I really dig this one, an old user by the name of Dragondaime told me about them one night while she was playing Mass Effect 3 with a group of us from the boards.
  13. I R Excite
  14. I heard about this but forgot. I'm going to have to check it out
  15. The only thing that really bugged me was they got these zombies with armored cases covering their hearts, why is it that some 12 year old is the only one that thought of developing armor piercing bullets? Then you got this whole group of people who are notorious for killing the zombies and are famed and idolized.... but no one bothers to go "Hey! how'd you do that? We've been using the equivalent of air soft guns and rubber swords."
  16. dude that kid was waiting for the right moment to do that... and it all fell into place
  17. He looks like he got caught fapping but was in the vinegar strokes so he just didn't care.
  18. Honestly I never watch them I think they're pretty boring tbh
  19. I've given up on going to bed early ever again Everytime I do I get like 4 hours of sleep before I wake up at an odd hour and get back to sleep
  20. We should wait a month, the Super Bowl match up could get vicious.
  21. And Satellite TV, because Sports......and Cartoons
  22. > Welcome to the Thunderdome
  23. Not a lot of threads get made late at night, it's more the "replying type" make a thread after midnight and respond to people and you got yourself a active thread
  24. I kinda thought that was a given, but I'm going to need at least a few trees for when I want to get in touch with nature...... by peeing on it
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