I had a dream about going to swinger's club ... thats how I imagine polyamory is like
but I'm sure its more like .... are you guys having sex without me because that really grinds my gears
.... or like
I'm pregnant .... oh shit
I work nights 3 days a week and then I have 12 hour shifts the other 2 nights ... and my toddler has adapted to staying up late nights waiting on me to get off so ... my sleep schedule is just fucked in general
Not that I watch their shows but if I had to choose between watching them and Donald Trump ... I'd pick them .... only because they're easier to look at.
Not saying they're just super attractive
Thats when adulthood hits you hard .... lemme ask for something I need .... y'know I could use some fancy towels for my bathroom ... y'know the kind you hang up but you better not dry your hands on