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Everything posted by Vamped

  1. Every day though? ... well I guess some people do watch porn every day
  2. It was something I saw on Black Mirror. This porn ad keeps popping up and you have to literally pay to skip it ... or if you don't have enough to skip it. Its mandatory that you view it. You can't even close your eyes.
  3. We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming for "Wraith Babes"
  4. I'm not sure I like the smell of this
  5. uugh .... I dunno. I'm just a social work intern but I'm pretty much making all the client notes and my supervisor is like .... you have to be detailed .... all his notes are copy and pasted from a word document he keeps on his desktop.
  6. .... or like .... I guess if you're not really trying to work or be productive you could .... eat a shit load and get like 700lbs and be put on disability .... or mess up your kidneys and be put on dialysis
  7. I mean wtf could you have done if they were sick? Did they want you to put it in your notes or something?
  8. gawd somebody polished the shit out of those floors
  9. do your boobs hurt? Because if they do ... you're definitely pregnant
  10. Vamped


    Is this the part where they slather the butter on a muffin? Who the fuck butters their muffins?
  11. Just for clarity .... the back is .... the side that faces up or faces the balls?
  12. New? I dunno how I feel about "new"
  13. Gawd I hope those people are okay and nobody got caught between those 18 wheelers.
  14. Nows the time to find out
  15. I do NOT eat babies. I eat sweet old ladies
  16. Vamped

    kids suck

    The bad ones
  17. I think garters and stockings would be appropriate to wear with a labcoat. But you can't goof on the shoes. It has to be a complete look.
  18. I too have a soul! It shines bright like a diamond!
  19. Oh! Shit that is a person! lol I thought it was a scarf
  20. the lace is hiding these sexy pens. I'm assuming that you would wear clothes .... or would you ....? Definitely need to wear clothes for the machine building part
  21. Did it just steal someone's scarf ... thats fucked up man .... real fucked up
  22. because how else would you explain the need to shrink to the molecular level and restore it ?
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