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Everything posted by Vamped

  1. too late ... I bet he heard you say "you liked the way his ass looked in dem jeans."
  2. so uhmm .... I went to find a pic of some Japanese school girls squealing to post in this thread. Uhms ... I got some results back in Google image search I wasn't prepared for at work
  3. In my mind I just decided you were the same person ... just a little grumpy sometimes
  4. I dun.... think I want to. I freak out easily
  5. I smashed my finger under a box. It left a permanent indention in my fingernail bed.
  6. I hope he just forgets
  7. How many licks?!
  8. customer service mostly. When the delivery drivers come back from their routes, I collect their equipment and process their paperwork and answer the phones in the mean time.
  9. The gayest they go is like ... uhms wait lemme see here ... 2 chicks and a 1 guy
  10. You dont have a choice!
  11. Didn't look good to me. But then I'm pretty picky. I like a little bit of story. I just dont want it to come on and they're halfway done already.
  12. I'll spice it up ... I'll wear some racy underoos and shave my ankles
  13. You get a paper check? I just do direct deposit so if I wanna call in sick on a Friday I'm not fucked for the weekend.
  14. >.> Well I mean .... I would but they can't eat in the treatment room. They aren't supposed to eat anyway. I tried to smuggle in some candy once for this old man and they took it away lol If they bring it and eat, its fine though.
  15. I just feel kinda guilty. He makes me call him on the days he's out and I'm there to tell him whats on his desk ... i'm guessing to make sure im actually there. I totally can't murder anyone, my conscience is way too strong.
  16. Im working too ... er well ... Im at work. >.>
  17. well ... if it makes you feel better. I'll probably do it again this summer
  18. and leave my internship early because my supervisor was out. (which he often is) So I was like ... well I'll leave 30 mins early so I can run in somewhere and get lunch on the way to my real job. .... Like 2 mins after I crank up the car I get a call from my supervisor telling me I need to find some paperwork and take it to a client. So I'm like .... well ... I uhm ... I'll get right on that but right now I'm ordering some chicken. hopefully I'm not looking untrustworthy.
  19. Hormone Replacement Therapy? I feel like this is an offensive joke that I'm not understanding .... is HRT not hormone replacement therapy?
  20. woah .... you need to slow down. You don't want people getting the wrong idea here
  21. Cool! Good luck on your interview!
  22. wait hold on I wanna watch. Lemme get comfortable okay Im ready
  23. I just started watching last weekend. I think i've seen like 5 episodes. They're so good ... to me anyway >
  24. 45 minutes
  25. Then we interrupt this viewing with an additional viewing that provides 2 additional seconds of storytelling before they get to the action.
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