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Everything posted by Vamped

  1. ... I don't think there is a worse feeling than having your children pass away before you
  2. Im using the "black box" theme because it hurts my eyes less
  3. "fuck yeah there is" also "I wanna speak to the manager"
  4. We dont say soda or pop .... we just say ... a drink
  5. Those peeps on My 600lb life .... dont even wear underwear
  6. I thought waxing would be easier
  7. Vamped

    I'm bored.

    You should start planning a slumber party
  8. I like how they have a fully furnished home but are naked. He's got his naked ass on that chair
  9. You could probably wax your ass hole next time.
  10. Hey big woman! You done made a big man of me!
  11. Oh shit you're probably right ... I keep forgetting its not 60 degrees everywhere
  12. how dare you insult pussies ... pussies are awesome
  13. Time to go out there and plant your own patch
  14. I feel like literally everything was probably smeared with shit
  15. pretty sure ....
  16. ... I dunno ... people have been putting stuff in their butts since the dawn of time
  17. I feel like i saw this in a porn
  18. You also probably would've been in jail for knocking out a woman
  19. That sucks ... this is what I've started doing at work ... until the semester starts and I have to do school work at work
  20. I just wanna be enlightened!
  21. I saw this one where this lady tried to use the bathroom and the toilet collapsed and they had to call the fire department .... who then had to call for back up ... I would've died .... just died right there on the toilet
  22. Quick somebody tell me what a judas chair is!
  23. I dunno why but this made me think about that show .... My 600LB life .... if their house catches fire ... they are fucked
  24. fine you have your boring, quiet, old people sex
  25. Coffee is a diuretic ... its gonna make you even more dehydrated
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