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Everything posted by Pimpjira

  1. Was too short for me to get a good feel for them. I wouldn't be against hearing more.
  2. Nothing. I like Death and Lamb of God, but I also like Pink. I don't care who knows.
  3. I think I've heard all of their albums aside from the first one.
  4. Pimpjira


    I'm making tacos tonight, they gonna be bitchin.
  5. Pimpjira


    I thught this was alt week and that was why.
  6. It's a low budget made for TV, it does look older than it is. lol
  7. Actually this is 2011, same year as Chris Hemsworth.
  8. Yes, I am cool.
  9. I've been playing some Paper Mario, not sure if it will be a complete playthrough.
  10. I really like Zombies Ate My Neighbors on SNES.
  11. I don't a particular favorite horror movie. Some of the ones I really like are the Universal films, the Hammer films, The Thing, Fright Night, Suspiria.
  12. Damn, mid was almost there and now he too sick to post.
  13. Pimpjira


    No zombie, at least wait until you main is granted access to the promised land. (happens at 500 posts)
  14. I won something? Surely not for my post in here.
  15. Who be fuckin?
  16. Definitely, hopefully more people will hear of this show and watch it.
  17. It's April 2 and I clicked this. So it's official. Toonami's fucking cancelled.
  18. Even though I can that shit if I just switch accounts.
  19. I smell pig on you, not falling for that again.
  20. Yo Ghostrek, I heard you spreading lies that Kagome is my daughter. She's my ho, get it right.
  21. I will also stand with him, and pimp slap that bitch.
  22. Pimpjira


    Alt? Who? I'm new here, bitch.
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