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Helper Elf
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Everything posted by StarPanda

  1. Few times when I was in office attire I've kept them on but other then that take them off
  2. If he like s you he wont mind getting curved he will try and try
  3. Shippuden Discussion Episode Title: Unison Sign
  4. My own dog sanctuary or land to keep animals there
  5. Yeah same here lol
  6. Do they time your breaks?
  7. You better not, give me your amazon wish list of you have one
  8. Happy Birthday Guy
  9. What's the square root of 69?
  10. I'll participate I'll get you guys that anime/hentai you wanted
  11. Yeah murder that ass
  12. I got you bro Next year
  13. Merry Christmas Well that sucks sad panda
  14. Lately I've been watching this alot, ,Channel is called Data is Beautiful
  15. Yep pretty much gotta think about next season already
  16. Only the jets would loose to the Bengals
  17. I ate alot it was cool
  18. Let those hopes go buddy, move on
  19. I got a 4k tv and some movies, I got a Google mini even tho I already have one and a Lenovo digital smart clock or some shit idk I'll probably regift it or some shit. I was this close to buying another ps4 for 200 but I restrained myself haha
  20. Holidays make the boards even more dead RIP, they will be resurrected in 2020
  21. They should have just let the winds take him it would have looked so cool
  22. I'll try it next year
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