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Helper Elf
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Everything posted by StarPanda

  1. Cool i kind of enjoyed that last season I'll watch
  2. I hate it too
  3. Hippo /thread
  4. This one looks like it could be as good as s the first
  5. Happy Birthday Rogue
  6. ItS Friday alright, but if feels like it's the Start of the week already
  7. Monogatari (series) One Punch Man Fate Unlimited Blade Works Madoka Nichijou! HxH 2011 AOT And alot more to lazy to look up that's just what popped into my head
  8. Once Upon A Time in Hollywood 8/10 Not one of Tarantino's strongest movies but still good enough to keep me entertained. Everyone was great in this but Brad Pitt really stood out. That last scene was glorious tho
  9. The Rise of Skywalker 7.8/10 I enjoyed it better then the last jedi. Yes there are issues with it I agree but I don't t think they were so big people would actually be freaking out over them calling it a terrible movie . I think they did their best to try and tie in the last jedi and give it an proper enough send off.
  10. It was aight
  11. Put A bucket down you'll be fine
  12. Nope I dont
  13. Happy bday cac
  14. Holly crap was it suppose to be that small lol
  15. Then kiss me
  16. The sky is up
  17. FBI: we got him boys Zenni: not today
  18. My house I make my own sandwiches
  19. Yes
  20. Money and i got my self a sweet pikachu watch for 8 bucks not a bad day
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