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Helper Elf
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Everything posted by StarPanda

  1. Panda Panda Panda
  2. Dammit sixty nine is 70 so close
  3. Haiku S1 & 2.....8/10 it got put on netflix and I watched pretty good sports anime
  4. Necrohumping will get you banned
  5. Happy Birthday best Naraku
  6. Its bearly Wednesday woooo
  7. He turned of the camera and ran before the guy could cross the street
  8. This mofo
  9. Stare at them if they stare back for along time then you found a friend
  10. Baby steps my man no matter how rough it is you have to try and keep moving forward
  11. Dam it is oh well
  12. Just chillin
  13. They still beat the cowboys they are winners in my book New england finally played a good team and they got a couple of other ones coming up this will test them and see if brad still has it AMD if that defense is for reals
  14. Shippuden Discussion Episode Title: True Kindness Hontō no Yasashisa 本当 の優しさ
  15. I'm indifferent Whatever works best As far as episode threads go, I say we keep weekly episode thread discussions
  16. Then kiss me
  17. Believe It!!!
  18. Already man where has the time gone
  19. Well and the Nationals took it all It was their magical run knocking off both the nest in the AL amd NL good for them Even tho it wasnt the most exciting 7 game series it had its moments
  20. Pastrami
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