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Top Gun

Helper Elf
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Everything posted by Top Gun

  1. Someone said to me that this episode contained one of the dumbest lines in manga history, and my God they were not wrong.
  2. Netflix isn't the exclusive streamer for the new episodes or anything. They're streaming on Crunchyroll as they always have, so Netflix presumably wouldn't have any say over whether Toei chooses to sell them elsewhere too.
  3. Why? He's a good writer who usually makes solid points.
  4. ANN's reviewer was...not a fan.
  5. That is an intensely stupid article. No animated movie, no matter how good, is going to pull in numbers like that. And they don't need to, given how much cheaper they are to make.
  6. Totally read that one episode title as "Fucker of Doom."
  7. Expected, but good to have confirmation. At least it's not a several-month wait this time.
  8. That sounds more like a compliment to me.
  9. Top Gun

    Steam Sale

    Outer Wilds is an absolute masterpiece and you should actually play it now. I'm terrible at playing games I buy too but I'm so glad I started it on a whim.
  10. Yeah, the series is usually pretty good at getting the basic science right, even when it's dressed up in its fun anthropomorphic style. The cancer cell encounters were meant to make the point that cancer originates from the body's own cells instead of being a foreign invader. Granted they probably went a bit too far with the "I'm a cell like you" angle, since no one who's had a personal encounter with cancer would ever have a single iota of sympathy for it, but the underlying point was valid. Something I'd never thought about until the show pointed it out was that all of our bodies occasionally produce new cells with mutated DNA, but our immune systems generally manage to remove them before they cause a problem. It's only when the process breaks down and these cells manage to gain a foothold somewhere that they become cancerous. As a fun aside, in addition to Code Black which got its own anime adaptation, there are at least a half-dozen other spinoff manga of the main series. The one set in a baby is a thinly-veiled excuse to draw chibi versions of all the characters, but the recent one set in a woman's body seemed like it had some fun potential.
  11. If you can't read a couple of paragraphs then I'd love to see the quality of writing that you produce.
  12. I've heard some pretty good stuff about this show. At the very least it's nice to get something that's a complete surprise.
  13. Jotaro was pushing 40 in Part 3.
  14. Yeah I'm sure that won't get laughed out of the building by any constitutional scholar.
  15. Not really a fan of the more washed-out blue-gray on this one for unread post icons. They don't draw attention as much as they should.
  16. Not that I ever post in here anymore, but my God I'm glad that we're getting literally anything new. I mean my MAL watching list was down to weekly One Piece and ugh Shippuden. I don't even care all that much about Mugen Train, but at least it's something. At least we get Certified Best Boy Taiju.
  17. Ah yes, the Four Horsemen of the White Trash-ocalpyse.
  18. That video gave me serious feels.
  19. You, uh, you do realize that Israel has continued bombing targets in the south of Gaza, right? The same south of Gaza where they told over a million civilians to evacuate to (if they even could in the first place)? Including attacks on the Rafah border crossing with Egypt? Because that's a funny definition of "protection."
  20. Ohio: "Eh, fuck it, smoking babies is legal."
  21. That's not even counting the *checks notes* four active criminal cases against Trump, as well as the multiple state-level suits seeking to have him removed from ballots for fomenting insurrection. Do those year-out polls still make a difference if he's bending over for Bubba in the shower next year?
  22. All the bazaar men by the Nile They got the money on a bet Gold crocodiles (oh whey oh) They snap their teeth on your cigarette
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